

自脫離英國母會自立後,總會隨即檢討各支部訓練,並於1978年恢復已取消的樂行童軍支部。雖然初期訂定以服務隊改編之樂行童軍不屬幼童軍、童軍、深資童軍之後的第四個支部,然而改行新制前已有樂行童軍團的旅團紛紛要求復團。 同年,總會正式接納女性參加深資童軍,為日後廣泛接納女性成員之基礎。總會於1982年推出「天虹計劃」,旨在把女性成員推展至其他支部,並且為幼童軍年齡以下的兒童提供童軍活動。 經過兩年多的探討和試驗,總會於1985年1月正式成立小童軍支部(Grasshopper Scout Section)。自此,總會全面接納女性成員,各旅團可因應個別情況自行決定是否招收女性成員。

After becoming an independent National Scout Organization (NSO), the Association started immediately to review the training schemes of each section. In 1978, the Rover Scout Section was reestablished and the Association started to admit girls as Venture Scouts. In 1982, the Association launched the Rainbow Project to explore the feasibility of admitting girls to the Scout and Cub Scout sections and the establishment of a pre-Cub section. After two years' study and exploration, the Association officially set up the Grasshopper Scout section in January 1985, and Scout Groups were allowed to admit girls as members in any section. 

總會於1980年5月舉行「第一屆全港總監政務會議」,以「八十年代的香港童軍運動」為主題,檢討自成為世界童軍組織成員以來之轉變,並計劃未來以配合社會的演變。 同時為了配合紀念世界童軍運動75周年而定的「世界童軍年」 ( The Year of the Scout),總會舉辨了多項慶祝活動,包括在灣仔伊利沙伯體育館舉行之「國際童軍嘉年華」及在大潭營地舉行之「香港國際童軍露營」( Hong Kong International Jamborette )。此外,還派出代表團參加不同的國際活動,當中有40名童軍和領袖組成代表團出席在加拿大舉行之「第15屆世界童軍大露營」。 1983年,由東九龍地域負責管理之白沙灣海上活動中心落成,為童軍提供了另一海上活動和訓練場地。 

As a response to the ever-changing society, the “1st Administration Conference for Commissioners” was called in May 1980 with the aim to plan for the future development of Scouting in Hong Kong. In order to commemorate “The Year of the Scout”, which marked the 75th Anniversary of the Brownsea Island Camp, Scout Association of Hong Kong planned a series of celebratory events, including the “International Scout Carnival” held at Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, and the “Hong Kong International Jamborette” held in Tai Tam Scout Centre. In addition, contingents were sent to participate in various world events, such as the “15th World Scout Jamboree” in Canada. In 1983, Pak Sha Wan Sea Activity Centre was established under the management of East Kowloon Region, providing another base for sea activities and training. 

周湛燊於1985年接任香港總監,翌年在西貢高希瑪軍營(今香港科技大學) 舉辦了歷來參加人數最多(達到5,143人)之「香港童軍鑽禧大露營」,慶祝香港童軍運動75周年。 總會亦於1994年,由覺士道摩士大廈搬遷至位於柯士甸道新建的香港童軍中心。周湛燊總監在興建香港童軍中心時,出力不少,包括和政府交涉及籌募經費。中心附設的賓館為償還建築費用及日後總會的財政提供了穩定的收入來源, 總會於1995年4月成立延續教育中心,開辦學術、商科及文化藝術等課程,並在2000年註冊為學校,名為「香港童軍總會綜合教育中心」。 90年代,盧觀榮與周湛燊交替出任香港總監,與1997年出任香港總監的許招賢,共同帶領香港童軍過渡1997年香港主權移交,邁向新紀元。 

Chau Cham-son assumed office of the Chief Commissioner in 1985. To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Hong Kong Scouting, the “Hong Kong Diamond Jubilee Jamboree” was held at Kohima Camp (current site of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) in 1986, with a record high number of 5,143 participants. In 1994, the Association headquarters was relocated from Cox's Road to the newly constructed Hong Kong Scout Centre on Austin Road. Chau devoted lots of efforts to the construction of the Hong Kong Scout Centre, including liaising with the Government and raising funds. The revenue generated by the commercial hostel housed in the new headquarters paid for the construction cost and ensured the Association a stable source of income. In April 1995, the “Continuing Education Centre” was established to provide informal education opportunities to those in need; the Centre became a registered school in 2000 and was renamed as “Scout Association of Hong Kong - Education Centre”. Chau Cham-son served as the Chief Commissioner for two terms until the end of 1992; Kenneth Lo Koon-wing served as the interim Chief Commissioner before Chau was re-elected as the Chief Commissioner in July 1993. John Hui Chiu-yin succeeded as the Chief Commissioner in 1997, and led the Hong Kong Scouts to march into a new era during which Hong Kong was handed over to China. 

1998年,總會成功主辦「第19屆亞太區童軍會議」,首次在香港童軍中心舉行大型國際活動。香港郵政亦再度發行童軍紀念郵票,肯定童軍運動對年青人的服務。此外,為了迎接千禧年的來臨,總會於1999年12月底在西貢郊野公園灣仔半島舉行了「香港童軍跨世紀大露營」,3,000多名本港和海外童軍一同參與,共慶千禧年。 2001年,總會再次於灣仔半島營地舉行大露營,慶祝香港童軍90周年。 

In 1998, the Association hosted the “19th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference”. It is worth noting that this was the first time the Association held a large-scale international Scouting event within a Scout premises. Hong Kong Post once again issued commemorative stamps honouring the Scout Movement's contribution to youth development. From 28 December 1999 to 2 January 2000, the “Hong Kong Scout Millennium Jamboree” was held on the Wan Tsai Peninsula in Sai Kung West Country Park, where over 3,000 local and overseas Scouts celebrated together the coming of a new millennium; another Jamboree in commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of Hong Kong Scouting was held again on the Wan Tsai Peninsula in 2001.