
Digital Audio Workstation

      Jun 18, 2024

Always getting latest version of everything update!

Reaper DAW

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit

Abrimos la Terminal:

Open Terminal:


Borramos versión vieja y obtenemos la última para Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

We deleted old version stuff and get the new one for Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Borramos versión vieja y obtenemos la última para Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

We deleted old version stuff and get the new one for Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Decompress the .tar .xz file:

Nos movemos a la carpeta descomprimida:

Change to Directory uncompressed:

Ejecutamos el instalador:

We run the installer script:

Borramos la carpeta de instalación, ya no la necesitamos, así como el archivo comprimido y finalmente reiniciamos:

We delete folder install, we don't need any more like the compress file and finally we will reboot:

Y tras reiniciar nuestro sistema con reboot, podremos lanzar REAPER desde el menu:

After reboot we will found Reaper in Raspberry Pi ->> Sound & Video menu:

REAPER Funcionando--Running 

KX Studio Repo

Please support developers if you can!

Agregamos el repositorio de KXStudio que los contiene.

We will add KXStudio repo.

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit & 64 bit:

curl -sSL "$url" > p.html ; \

download=$(awk -F'"' '/kxstudio-repos_[0-9.]*_all.deb/ {print $2}' p.html) ; \

wget -c "${download}"

Agregamos las siguientes rutas a Reaper para indicarle donde buscar los nuevos Plugins:

Tell Reaper where to look for Plugins by indicate the paths: 

ATTENTION! Since version 6.82 we need to Terminate VST while scanning for some plugins

ATENCIÓN! Desde la versión 6.82 necesitamos pulsar Terminate VST durante el escaneo de plugins

Abrimos Reaper, vamos a Opciones-> Preferencias-> VST -> Edit path list Agregamos las siguientes rutas:

Open Reaper, go to Options-> Preferences-> VST -> Edit path list Add the next paths:

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos mas plugins disponibles. 

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.

Abrimos Reaper, vamos a Opciones-> Preferencias-> LV2/CLAP -> Edit path list Agregamos las siguientes rutas:

Open Reaper, go to Options-> Preferences-> LV2/CLAP -> Edit path list Add the next paths:

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos más plugins disponibles.

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos más plugins disponibles.

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Copiar y pegar el siguiente listado--Copy and paste the next list

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Copiar y pegar el siguiente listado--Copy and paste the next list

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Bookworm extra steps:

Sequencer Megababy Nandy's Mod

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

Zynthian Repo:

Please support developers if you can!

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

LSP Linux Studio

LSP (Linux Studio Plugins) is a collection of open-source plugins


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous from GitHub repo.

VST2 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-vst2-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

VST2 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-vst2-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"

VST3 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-vst3-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

VST3 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-vst3-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"

LV2 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-lv2-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

LV2 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-lv2-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"

JACK Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-jack-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

JACK Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-jack-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"

LADSPA Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-ladspa-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

LADSPA Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-ladspa-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"

CLAP Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-clap-${latest_version}-Linux-arm32.tar.gz"

CLAP Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -oP '\/lsp-plugins\/lsp-plugins\/releases\/tag\/\K[0-9.]+' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n') ; \

wget "${latest_version}/lsp-plugins-clap-${latest_version}-Linux-aarch64.tar.gz"


Open source hybrid synthesizer

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit & 64 bit Bullseye

Please support developers if you can!

Instalación de Surge:

Installation of Surge:

We need to compile a new version that works better with a little overclocking.

If we had installed the old version from KXStudio repo, then we need to uninstall it first:

Compilamos una versión más nueva que funciona con un poco de overclock.

Desinstalamos la versión vieja de Surge, si la hemos instalado:

Ahora listamos los paquetes necesarios que requerimos para la compilación:

Now we ar ready to get the necessary dependencies for compile properly:

Nos mencionará los paquetes a instalar, los seleccionamos y pegamos en la terminal todos juntos y presionamos Enter para que comience la instalación:

The previous command tells us, that we need to install all this packages, so just copy the result from the Terminal and paste in the same Terminal:

También debemos instalar requerimientos propios de cualquier compilación:

We need to install common requirements of normal compilation too:

Ahora si, a construir Surge:

We are ready, now build Surge:

Esto toma tiempo unos 10 minutos así que vamos por un cafe. Al finalizar la compilación realizamos la instalación en nuestro sistema:

This take like 10 minutes easily, go for a coffee or see the sun. When the compilation finished, we will install what we've compiled in our system:

Solo nos queda realizar el overclock ya que satura un poco el sonido por exceso de uso del CPU, vamos a ello:

Only rest make a little overclock, because sature the sound for excess of CPU usage, so lets overclock:

Pi OS Bullseye:

Pi OS Bookworm:

Agregamos al final del archivo las siguientes líneas (NO HAGAS ESTO EN PI5):

To the end of the file we will add the next lines (DONT USE THIS ON PI5):

Guardamos con Ctrl+s, luego Ctrl+x para cerrar e editor de texto.

We press Ctrl+s to save the change, then press Ctrl+x to close nano editor.

Surge XT

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit

Please support developers if you can!

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Buster/Bullseye:

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Bookworm:

Reaper will read as VST3 VST3i, CLAP, CLAPi, The Standalone can we open typing on a Terminal:

Surge XT Manual:

Busca--Look for Surge

VST3: Surge XT Effects

VST3i: Surge XT

CLAP: Surge XT Effects

CLAPi: Surge XT Effects

From Terminal: 'Surge XT'

From Terminal: 'Surge XT Effects'


X-42 Plugins:


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-compressor-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-compressor-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

AVL Drumkits

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-avldrums-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-avldrums-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

General MIDI Synth

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-gmsynth-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-gmsynth-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

MIDI Filter Collection

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-midifilter-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-midifilter-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Rule Based MIDI Filter

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-midimap-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-midimap-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Step Sequencer

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-stepseq-8x8-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-stepseq-8x8-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'setBfree-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'setBfree-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Digital Peak Limiter

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-limiter-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-limiter-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Auto Tune

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-autotune-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-autotune-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Zero Config Latency Convolver

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-zconvolver-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-zconvolver-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Phase Rotate

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-phaserotate-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-phaserotate-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-scope-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-scope-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Mixer Trigger Preprocessor

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-mixtrix-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-mixtrix-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Spectogram for Geeks

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-spectra-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-spectra-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Test Signal Generator

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-testsignal-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-testsignal-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Delayline Artificial Latency

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-nodelay-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-nodelay-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"


X42 Balance:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-balance-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-balance-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"

Stereo Routing

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-stereoroute-v[0-9.]*-armhf.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-armhf.tar.gz"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'x42-stereoroute-v[0-9.]*-arm64.tar.gz' | grep -oP 'v\K[0-9.]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

wget -c "${latest_version}-arm64.tar.gz"


Open-source advanced probabilistic polyrhythmic sequencer plugin

Please support developers if you can!

Require CMake > 3.21--Get from Source for Raspberry Pi OS 32bit & 64bit Previous to Bookworm.

⚠️Bookworm jump CMAKE step!⚠️

Compilamos CMake -- Compile CMake:

CMAKE=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'tag/v[0-9.]*' | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f 2 | sed 's/^v//') ; \

wget -c "${CMAKE}/cmake-${CMAKE}.tar.gz"

Now Compile Stochas

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS Buster 64bit:

Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm 64 bit:

Ninjas 2

A 'Clearly Broken ™️' Sample Slicer

Please support developers if you can!

Si queremos además compilarlo como app debemos instalar:

If you want an Standalone version too add:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bits:


Package manager for REAPER

Please support developers if you can!


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous from GitHub repo.

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'tag/v[0-9.]*' | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f 2 | sed 's/^v//') ; \

wget -c "${latest_version}/"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

latest_version=$(curl -sSL $url | grep -o 'tag/v[0-9.]*' | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f 2 | sed 's/^v//') ; \

wget -c "${latest_version}/"

Restart REAPER. Done!

SWS S&M Extension

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

curl -sSL "$url" > p.html ; \

download=$(awk -F'"' '/download\/featured\/sws-[0-9.]*-Linux-armv7l.tar.xz/ {print $2; exit}' p.html) ; \

full_url="${url}${download}" ; \

wget -c "${full_url}"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

curl -sSL "$url" > p.html ; \

download=$(awk -F'"' '/download\/featured\/sws-[0-9.]*-Linux-aarch64.tar.xz/ {print $2; exit}' p.html) ; \

full_url="${url}${download}" ; \

wget -c "${full_url}"

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

html_content=$(curl -sSL "$url") \

download=$(echo "$html_content" | grep -m 1 -oE '<a href="([^"]+\.tar\.xz)">sws-[0-9.]+-Linux-armv7l-[0-9a-f]+\.tar\.xz</a>' | sed -E 's/<a href="([^"]+)".*/\1/')  ; \

full_url="${url}${download}" ; \

wget -c "${full_url}"

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

html_content=$(curl -sSL "$url") ; \

download=$(echo "$html_content" | grep -m 1 -oE '<a href="([^"]+\.tar\.xz)">sws-[0-9.]+-Linux-aarch64-[0-9a-f]+\.tar\.xz</a>' | sed -E 's/<a href="([^"]+)".*/\1/')  ; \

full_url="${url}${download}" ; \

wget -c "${full_url}"

⚠️ Necesitamos instalar ReaPack para usar estas extensiones. ⚠️

⚠️We need ReaPack for use this extensions. ⚠️

Samplicity Samples (Extra)

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

Necesitamos agregar el Repositorio de Tukan Studios a ReaPack

Abrimos REAPER vamos al nuevo menu Extensions -> ReaPack -> Import repositories.. y pegamos la siguiente linea en la caja de texto y aceptamos pulsandod OK

We need to add the Tukan Studios's Repository to ReaPack:

Open REAPER go to the new menu Extensions -> ReaPack -> Import repositories.. and paste the next line n the box, then clic OK.

Now we go to Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse packages.. type tukan choose Select All then Actions -> Install/update selection -> OK

Vamos a Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse packages.. Escribimos tukan Elegimos Select All luego Actions -> Install/update selection -> OK

Para obtener en el futuro actualizaciones de Tukan Studios solo debemos ir a Extensions -> ReaPack -> Syncronize packages

In the future we can get updates for Tukan Studios going to Extensions -> ReaPack -> Syncronize packages

DSP53600 Access Virus  B & C

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit

Please support developers if you can!


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous from FTP Server


URL="" ; \

latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-Osirus-CLAP.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"

latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-OsirusFX-CLAP.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"


latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-Osirus-LV2.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"

latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-OsirusFX-LV2.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"


latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-Osirus-VST2.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"

latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-OsirusFX-VST2.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"


latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-Osirus-VST3.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"

latest_deb=$(curl -s "$URL" | grep -o 'DSP56300Emu-[0-9.]*-Linux_aarch64-OsirusFX-VST3.deb' | head -n 1) ; \

wget "${URL}${latest_deb}"


Solo podemos usar una Rom a la vez, así que elegí B ó C y seguí la opción correspondiente.

We can only use one Rom, so choose B or C and just follow the correspondent option.

Si elegimos la Rom Virus B --- If you choose Rom Virus B:

Si elegimos la Rom Virus C --- If you choose Rom Virus C:

Si deseamos intercambiar las ROMS, primero borramos la versión que se encuentre en las carpetas lxvst y vst3, luego repetimos el comando sudo cp.

If you want interchange ROMS, first remove the version you have in lxvst and vst folder first, then repeat sudo cp commands.

Cambiando C por B --- Changing C for B:

Cambiando B por C --- Changing B for C:

Patchbox OS Repo

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit

More about MODEP

Please support developers if you can!

Abrimos la Terminal e introducimos la siguiente línea:

Open Terminal and type:

Instalamos -- Install MODEP:

Podemos usar MODEP con Reaper o entrar en la interfaz web mediante la IP de nuestra Raspberry Pi

We can use MODEP with Reaper or enter to the web interface through a browser on the Raspberry Pi IP address.

Tips Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit

Como actualizar repositorios en busca de actualizaciones para los plugins instalados a traves de sudo apt install -y paquete:

How to update repositories to look for new plugins version, for the ones installed by sudo apt install -y package

Como desinstalar un plugin instalado a través de sudo apt install -y paquete:

How to uninstall a plugin installed by sudo apt install -y package

Script to make the Tutorial steps

32bit armhf:

64 bit aarch64/armv8 Buster and Bullseye:

64 bit aarch64/armv8 Bookworm:



Hardware development by Point and Click Systems

Based on this tutorial

PAC Systems on #knobcon2023 congrats!