
Digital Audio Workstation

      May 23, 2024

Reaper DAW

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit

Abrimos la Terminal:

Open Terminal:


Borramos versión vieja y obtenemos la última para Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

We deleted old version stuff and get the new one for Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Borramos versión vieja y obtenemos la última para Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

We deleted old version stuff and get the new one for Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Decompress the .tar .xz file:

Nos movemos a la carpeta descomprimida:

Change to Directory uncompressed:

Ejecutamos el instalador:

We run the installer script:

Borramos la carpeta de instalación, ya no la necesitamos, así como el archivo comprimido y finalmente reiniciamos:

We delete folder install, we don't need any more like the compress file and finally we will reboot:

Y tras reiniciar nuestro sistema con reboot, podremos lanzar REAPER desde el menu:

After reboot we will found Reaper in Raspberry Pi ->> Sound & Video menu:

REAPER Funcionando--Running 

KX Studio Repo:

Agregamos el repositorio de KXStudio que los contiene.

We will add KXStudio repo.

Declaramos en la Terminal la variable ver--Declare version variable:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit & 64 bit:

Agregamos las siguientes rutas a Reaper para indicarle donde buscar los nuevos Plugins:

Tell Reaper where to look for Plugins by indicate the paths: 

ATTENTION! Since version 6.82 we need to Terminate VST while scanning for some plugins

ATENCIÓN! Desde la versión 6.82 necesitamos pulsar Terminate VST durante el escaneo de plugins

Abrimos Reaper, vamos a Opciones-> Preferencias-> VST -> Edit path list Agregamos las siguientes rutas:

Open Reaper, go to Options-> Preferences-> VST -> Edit path list Add the next paths:

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos mas plugins disponibles. 

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.

Abrimos Reaper, vamos a Opciones-> Preferencias-> LV2/CLAP -> Edit path list Agregamos las siguientes rutas:

Open Reaper, go to Options-> Preferences-> LV2/CLAP -> Edit path list Add the next paths:

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos más plugins disponibles.

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.

O elegimos Choose Directory  y seleccionamos cada ruta individualmente tras ello el botón Re-Scan tras esto reiniciamos Reaper y tendremos más plugins disponibles.

Or press Choose Directory and select every path individually then push Re-Scan button, then close and re-open Reaper now we have more plugins available.


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Copiar y pegar el siguiente listado--Copy and paste the next list

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Copiar y pegar el siguiente listado--Copy and paste the next list

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Bookworm extra steps:

Sequencer Megababy Nandy's Mod

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

Zynthian Repo:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

LSP Linux Studio

LSP (Linux Studio Plugins) is a collection of open-source plugins

Declaramos en la Terminal la variable ver--Declare version variable for all LSP Plugins:


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous.

VST2 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

VST2 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

VST3 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

VST3 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

LV2 Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

LV2 Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

JACK Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

JACK Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

LADSPA Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

LADSPA Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

CLAP Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

CLAP Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Open source hybrid synthesizer

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit & 64 bit Bullseye

Instalación de Surge:

Installation of Surge:

We need to compile a new version that works better with a little overclocking.

If we had installed the old version from KXStudio repo, then we need to uninstall it first:

Compilamos una versión más nueva que funciona con un poco de overclock.

Desinstalamos la versión vieja de Surge, si la hemos instalado:

Ahora listamos los paquetes necesarios que requerimos para la compilación:

Now we ar ready to get the necessary dependencies for compile properly:

Nos mencionará los paquetes a instalar, los seleccionamos y pegamos en la terminal todos juntos y presionamos Enter para que comience la instalación:

The previous command tells us, that we need to install all this packages, so just copy the result from the Terminal and paste in the same Terminal:

También debemos instalar requerimientos propios de cualquier compilación:

We need to install common requirements of normal compilation too:

Ahora si, a construir Surge:

We are ready, now build Surge:

Esto toma tiempo unos 10 minutos así que vamos por un cafe. Al finalizar la compilación realizamos la instalación en nuestro sistema:

This take like 10 minutes easily, go for a coffee or see the sun. When the compilation finished, we will install what we've compiled in our system:

Solo nos queda realizar el overclock ya que satura un poco el sonido por exceso de uso del CPU, vamos a ello:

Only rest make a little overclock, because sature the sound for excess of CPU usage, so lets overclock:

Pi OS Bullseye:

Pi OS Bookworm:

Agregamos al final del archivo las siguientes líneas (NO HAGAS ESTO EN PI5):

To the end of the file we will add the next lines (DONT USE THIS ON PI5):

Guardamos con Ctrl+s, luego Ctrl+x para cerrar e editor de texto.

We press Ctrl+s to save the change, then press Ctrl+x to close nano editor.

Surge XT

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Buster/Bullseye:

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit Bookworm:

Reaper will read as VST3 VST3i, CLAP, CLAPi, The Standalone can we open typing on a Terminal:

Surge XT Manual:

Busca--Look for Surge

VST3: Surge XT Effects

VST3i: Surge XT

CLAP: Surge XT Effects

CLAPi: Surge XT Effects

From Terminal: 'Surge XT'

From Terminal: 'Surge XT Effects'


X-42 Plugins:

Instalar desde la Terminal

Obtenèmos el número de versión más nuevo, si los comandos de abajo fallan.

Get new version number from here if the above fail:

Declaramos en la Terminal la variable ver--Declare version variable for all x42 Plugins.


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

AVL Drumkits

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

General MIDI Synth

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

MIDI Filter Collection

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Rule Based MIDI Filter

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Step Sequencer

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Digital Peak Limiter

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Auto Tune

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Zero Config Latency Convolver

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Phase Rotate

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Mixer Trigger Preprocessor

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Spectogram for Geeks

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Test Signal Generator

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Delayline Artificial Latency

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


X42 Balance:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Stereo Routing

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:


Open-source advanced probabilistic polyrhythmic sequencer plugin

Require CMake > 3.21--Get from Source for Raspberry Pi OS 32bit & 64bit Previous to Bookworm.

⚠️Bookworm jump CMAKE step!⚠️

Declaramos la constante -- Declare the constant CMAKE:

Compilamos CMake -- Compile CMake:

Now Compile Stochas

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS Buster 64bit:

Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm 64 bit:

Ninjas 2

A 'Clearly Broken ™️' Sample Slicer

Si queremos además compilarlo como app debemos instalar:

If you want an Standalone version too add:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bits:


Package manager for REAPER

Github Page:

More Repo to add manually:

Declaramos en la Terminal la variable ver--Declare version variable:


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous.

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Restart REAPER. Done!

SWS S&M Extension

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit:

⚠️ Necesitamos instalar ReaPack para usar estas extensiones. ⚠️

⚠️We need ReaPack for use this extensions. ⚠️

Samplicity Samples (Extra)

Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit:

Necesitamos agregar el Repositorio de Tukan Studios a ReaPack

Abrimos REAPER vamos al nuevo menu Extensions -> ReaPack -> Import repositories.. y pegamos la siguiente linea en la caja de texto y aceptamos pulsandod OK

We need to add the Tukan Studios's Repository to ReaPack:

Open REAPER go to the new menu Extensions -> ReaPack -> Import repositories.. and paste the next line n the box, then clic OK.

Now we go to Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse packages.. type tukan choose Select All then Actions -> Install/update selection -> OK

Vamos a Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse packages.. Escribimos tukan Elegimos Select All luego Actions -> Install/update selection -> OK

Para obtener en el futuro actualizaciones de Tukan Studios solo debemos ir a Extensions -> ReaPack -> Syncronize packages

In the future we can get updates for Tukan Studios going to Extensions -> ReaPack -> Syncronize packages

DSP53600 Access Virus  B & C

Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit

Declaramos en la Terminal la constante -- Declare version constant:


If the newest version does not work for your setup, get the previous.


Solo podemos usar una Rom a la vez, así que elegí B ó C y seguí la opción correspondiente.

We can only use one Rom, so choose B or C and just follow the correspondent option.

Si elegimos la Rom Virus B --- If you choose Rom Virus B:

Si elegimos la Rom Virus C --- If you choose Rom Virus C:

Si deseamos intercambiar las ROMS, primero borramos la versión que se encuentre en las carpetas lxvst y vst3, luego repetimos el comando sudo cp.

If you want interchange ROMS, first remove the version you have in lxvst and vst folder first, then repeat sudo cp commands.

Cambiando C por B --- Changing C for B:

Cambiando B por C --- Changing B for C:

Patchbox OS Repo

Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit

Abrimos la Terminal e introducimos la siguiente línea:

Open Terminal and type:

Instalamos -- Install MODEP:

Podemos usar MODEP con Reaper o entrar en la interfaz web mediante la IP de nuestra Raspberry Pi

We can use MODEP with Reaper or enter to the web interface through a browser on the Raspberry Pi IP address.

Tips Raspberry Pi OS 32 & 64 bit

Como actualizar repositorios en busca de actualizaciones para los plugins instalados a traves de sudo apt install -y paquete:

How to update repositories to look for new plugins version, for the ones installed by sudo apt install -y package

Como desinstalar un plugin instalado a través de sudo apt install -y paquete:

How to uninstall a plugin installed by sudo apt install -y package

Script to make the Tutorial steps

32bit armhf:

64 bit aarch64/armv8 Buster and Bullseye:

64 bit aarch64/armv8 Bookworm:



Hardware development by Point and Click Systems

Based on this tutorial

PAC Systems on #knobcon2023 congrats!