

10 Distros

Jan 13, 2024


Last update 2017

Tor-Pi-do Version 1.0.1 for Raspberry Pi 3 features a stable Debian Linux distro which enables the anonymous use of Tor with Firefox on the Raspberry Pi 3. 

Login: pi

Password: @LPH@zu1u

Open cmd prompt:

Start Tor service:

sudo service tor start

Verify Tor service is running:

sudo service tor status

Open Firefox browser and verify IP address.



Last update 2022

Distribution éducative basée sur Ubuntu et Debian.

Compatible 32 et 64 bits.

La version 64 Bits est le téléchargement par défaut.



PrimTux4 Debian 9 DG:

PrimTux Debian 9 CTP:

PrimTux Debian 10 CTP:

Raspberry Pi 4B, 400: 

Build instructions:

Admin Password:



Last update 2020

Convierte la Pi 3b o 3b+ en un Thin Client con Citrix HDX .

El nuevo software de Praim convierte ‘endpoints’ Raspberry Pi en ‘client’ para infraestructuras Citrix HDX.

Se llama Agile4Pi y se puede integrar con los Raspberry Pi 3 y Pi 3 B+ y con Citrix Receiver, siendo compatible con Citrix Virtual App and Desktop.

Lo último de Praim en cuestión de software y Raspberry Pi se llama Agile4Pi.

Consiste en una plataforma que transforma endpoints en thin clientpreparados para infraestructuras Citrix HDX.

Se puede integrar con los Raspberry Pi 3 y Pi 3 B+, prometiendo experiencia Full HD en rendering de vídeo. También se integra con Citrix Receiver, lo que lleva a la compatibilidad con Citrix Virtual App and Desktop.

Entre las características de Agile4Pi, Praim destaca un control y mantenimiento fáciles, incluyendo automatización de operaciones, al conectar los dispositivos a la consola de gestión ThinMan. ThinMan habilitaría sesiones de asistencia remota con un clic.

Agile4Pi permite al usuario crear kioscos de navegador en cuestión de segundos; mientras que, con solo 5 clics de ratón, posibilita la construcción de pantallas completas a modo de ‘browser kiosk’ que se controla a través de un menú simplificado y automatizado”, añade Michele Gasparoli, Channel Marketing Manager de Praim.

Accede a la versión trial:

Puffin Internet Terminal

Last update 2020

Turning Raspberry Pi into a high-end PC

With COVID19, there is an urgent need for schools to provide stay-at-home education alternatives. Puffin Cloud Learning provides K-12 schools affordable but high-performance devices for remote learning. PCL can be set up within minutes.

What is Puffin Cloud Learning?

Puffin Cloud Learning is a financially viable solution for many schools. For stay-at-home students and parents, Raspberry Pi can turn a family room TV into a remote-learning computer to alleviate the shortage of computers.

Your Best Educational Solution

Puffin Cloud Learning is 300% faster than Chrome OS devices costing 300% more. Browser benchmarks suggest Puffin is 1,200% faster than Chrome on Raspberry Pi. This cost-effective solution is unheard of on other platforms using Chrome OS and Windows.

Download :

Version Single Language Demo:

Version Multi Languaje Demo:

Demo funciona en Raspbian Buster en Raspberry Pi 4B version 2GB(Probado por mi):

Raspberry Pi OS Puffin Internet Terminal(Demo) Raspberry Pi 4B, 400:

Raspbian System Image:

Raspbian System Image Multi Language:

Raspberry WebKiosk

Last update 2019

Raspberry WebKiosk is designed for the cheapest possible web kiosks and multi-user web workstations (use in cafès, offices, schools, hotels, hospitals, libraries) with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer base, where people can surf the web with a normal browser. 

Raspberry WebKiosk is a browser-only (only the interface of the browser will be displayed) hacker-proof operating system for Internet browsing purposes, which protects users’ privacy. After every reboot, browser will be kept back to the default state and downloaded files will be deleted.

System makes use of Google Chromium as Internet browser; it features internationalization, it supports printing and both wired and wireless networks. System parameters are set by a user-friendly web interface.

Author: Marco Buratto. 




Last update 2016

AudiculaPi - the tiny media / home automation server for your Raspberry Pi 1-2B+

based on OpenWrt/ Chaos Calmer (without RPI3 support) 

Already preinstalled:

Tested with HW: RFXtrx433E USB 433.92MHz Transceiver by RFXCom and Z-Wave Plus USB Stick ZME_UZB1 by Z-Wave.me

(with LCD support based on PyDPF)

... countless other gadgets, use web based packet manager powered by OpenWrt repository !



Last update 2018 Project Closed

This is a Raspbain Strech base image with Home-Assistant on it. i used Virtual Env based installation and added some Custom Ui and Custom Components.

I have also configured MySQL server and database and also some scripts, sensors and groups to help users start working with the system.


Source code:

AEBL Media Player

Last update 2018

AEBL is now officially released!

First, the disclaimer:  The AEBL device and software is considered beta for legal reasons and therefore carries no implicit nor implied guarantees, whatsoever, regardless of legal jurisdiction, anywhere and everywhere on earth, or otherwise within the universe, with or without a support contract.

OK, here's the thing...  We are now completely satisfied and confident that the AEBL appliance works, as intended, for this first, official public release.With the most recent updates, and almost 1 year of bench and field testing, the system is very stable, as intended.

If you don't want to read the rest of this article, and just want one, scroll to the bottom of this article to find out how to acquire the device. 

As described in the original post on this blog, AEBL is a multi media device for proper copyright personal media consumption and presentation.  (We are not responsible for the content you use with the device.)  For as little as CAD$100 or less (or more; prices vary depending on geographical location), it is probably one of the most capable, least expensive media devices in its category.

The device is fully network aware and autonomous.  It self configures upon first boot (this requires a functioning internet connection) and once completed, begins initial playback and presents itself to a network that it is connected to.  Once the device has performed it's first setup and content added to it, it is completely autonomous.  Configuration can be done over a network, so long as an appropriate computer or technology device (with a current or capable OS) is connected to it, even without a network router or switch!

AEBL is a "technology platform".  As such, it has many current uses and will provide even more functionality and use, as it is further developed. or is discovered by users.

Currently, as intended, AEBL works very well as an audio and video media playback device, with or without an internet connection.  What this means is, with audio and/or video content placed on the device (let's repeat: we do not condone use of media of which a user does not have proper copyright), and a proper audio and/or video connection (ie. standard 3.5mm stereo audio jack and/or video component/RCA or HDMI cable), whether in a car, home or lake or RV A/V system, even at the office or in a Kiosk or temporary installation, the device plays back the content from the system.

Current, known uses for the device might be:  listening to your music in your car, watching movies or listening to music on your home A/V system, watching movies in your vehicle (complying with local laws) with a proper a/v connection, as an audio or video kiosk, and as a digital sign system and even as a personal media player, with a portable (proper) power source, and headphones or portable speakers.  We have connected the device to a personal FM transmitter and listened to playback from the device on remote, detached radio systems.  The device can also be used as a digital picture frame.Anywhere you can imagine using a digital A/V system.

The device uses < 5V < 1200mA and therefore can be powered by any USB equivalent, compliant and capable power source, including the USB connection on a TV set, a portable, USB battery pack, or even, potentially, an appropriate rated solar power source.

How is AEBL different than the media playback devices you already have?  Well, at the very core, the device plays back on legacy A/V, with the use of RCA cables.  Second, while the file format is specific, any content that is file format compliant (mp3 / mp4) can be played back by the system.  Also, the device is made specifically to be hands free.  It serves a very specific purpose, to play back content.  As such, if it has content and is powered on and connected to an audio or video receiver, it WILL work, with no further interaction.  And finally, we are continuing to work on developing further capabilities to the device, some (such as wifi capable) are already available and others enhancements are close to being released.  As we update the capabilities, the device will be updated accordingly, so long as it is connected to a functional internet connection, from time to time.  The device also has channel capabilities, which means that if you are subscribed to a channel and connect AEBL to a functional internet connection, you will receive your audio or video channel content, as it is updated. 


Raspbian 9 Web Server OS

Last update 2017

This Operating System is specially for Raspberry Web Server Administration.

Note :

After Login, don't forget to put this command for usefull your fulldisk 

sudo parted

(parted) print

(parted) resizepart

Partition number? 2

End? 100%

(parted) quit

sudo resize2fs

after finish.

For editing Swap Memory size :

change :

to :

For make speed server Boot :

Raspbian SSH:

Webmin (Administrator Web Server): (https://localhost:10000)

Phpmyadmin : (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)



LCD 3.5" : 



Rivendell Radio Automation

Last update 2022