

10 Distros

Apr 9, 2024


Last Update 2020

Is a fork of LibreELEC with the plus of EmulatrionStation and RetroArch Front-end so we can choose one or other look, Personally, I've tested on Raspberry Pi 3b booting from just an Sd Card of 2GB and setting the roms from an external SSD, and with USB boot from a Pendrive too.

Have Kodi Leia 18.5

LibreELEC is a 'Just enough OS' Linux distribution for running the award-winning Kodi software on popular mediacentre hardware. LibreELEC is a conservative fork of the popular OpenELEC project with a stronger focus on pre-release testing and post-release change management. Further information on the project can be found on the LibreELEC website.

MagicSeb Modifications

Donations to Magicseb(You rock! ):

If you appreciate and want to help me https://www.paypal.me/magicseb59


Download Page latest version (Support developer if you wish):


Open Euler

Last Update 2024

OpenEuler is an open source, free Linux distribution platform. The platform provides an open community for global developers to build an open, diversified, and architecture-inclusive software ecosystem. openEuler is also an innovative platform that encourages everyone to propose new ideas, explore new approaches, and practice new solutions.

Gitee Page:

Build Instructions:


Daily builds:

Download Page:

This distribution maybe could available on Raspberry Pi Imager after September 2020:

Retro Home

Previously called Ubuntu Retro RemixLast Update 2022

Previously: "The Ubuntu Retro Remix project was started by Ubuntu desktop lead and Ubuntu MATE co-founder, Martin Wimpress. You can use it to turn your Raspberry Pi into a retro-gaming machine."

Now Retro Home: "Retro Home is retro-gaming operating system for Raspberry Pi and is made possible thanks to Ubuntu and Ludo."

GitHub Page and Buid instructions(WIP):


Windows FX aka LinuxFX

Last Update 2022

O projeto Linuxfx / Windowsfx foi desenvolvido para ajudar usuários do Microsoft© Windows® a migrarem de maneira direta para o Linux, aproveitando toda sua curva de aprendizado. Aproveitar o hardware que não suporta a versão mais nova do Microsoft© Windows® também é uma diretiva do Linuxfx, assim como prover suporte a rede, Active Directory, programas .exe e .msi, navegação segura e proteção contra vírus. Utilizando o Linuxfx / Windowsfx no seu computador, você terá um sistema rápido, que consome pouca memória e é imune a vírus desenvolvido para a plataforma Microsoft© Windows®.

Linuxfx 10.4 WX Desktop System Core


Download Page:

Fenix OS

Last Update 2021

Fenix OS es una distribución pensada para demostrar que con Linux se puede hacer cualquier cosa.

También con ella se trata de dar a conocer Linux y el software libre a la gente que está poco familiarizada y necesita un punto de partida, ya que ofrece una experiencia similar a los sistemas operativos más utilizados. Es mucho más que su aspecto, poco a poco se irán incorporando herramientas sirvan para facilitar el uso de Linux.

-El objetivo no es hacer creer que el sistema es Windows, Mac..., sino crear un entorno que resulte amigable y familiar, que sirva como base para empezar a aprender.

Por ejemplo, con el icono de LibreOffice quien nunca lo haya visto sabrá que es un editor de texto... Con ello se pretende que sirva como un entorno educativo.

-Es libre y gratuito.

-Los enlaces del navegador solo se han puesto como alternativa a programas instalables, ya que así se ahorran recursos en las Raspberry y ordenadores antiguos.

-El sistema está en fase beta, y aunque está construido sobre apuestas seguras para tener una base lo más sólida posible, solo debe instalarse para testeo, en caso contrario no me hago responsable de los daños que pueda ocasionar.

-Fenix OS no tiene nada que ver con Microsoft, Apple, MAC ni Windows, y no se pretende dañar su imagen.

-FenixPi XFCE, CINNAMON y KDE tienen Raspbian como base,que a su vez está basado en Debian.  

-Por defecto no tiene el aspecto que se muestra en las imágenes, es el usuario quien ha de decidir después si aplicarlo o no.

-Otro de los objetivos es cambiar de una vez el concepto que tiene la mayoría de la gente sobre que Linux es difícil. Y se pretende demostrar que con el software libre se pueden cubrir la mayoría de necesidades. 


FenixPi FULL:

Fenix OS con Cinnamon por defecto:

Fenix OS Ubuntu Mate 64 Unnoficial:

Fenix OS Ubuntu Mate 64 Unnoficial:

Fenix OS Ubuntu Mate Gnome:

Fenix OS con KDE Beta con efectos:

FenixPi Plasmunity:

FenixPi Swiftjaro:

Fenix OS Ubuntu Kylin:




Downoad the latest version:

Lampone Pi

Last Update 2019

Lampone Pi is a live Debian GNU/Linux Buster arm64 operating system for the Raspberry Pi microcomputer boards. At the time of writing, it’s the only live ISO 9660 operating system for the Pi which can also perform kernel updates. Although it is not affiliated or derived from Raspbian, it’s the homologous of Raspbian Lite (they both derive from Debian), but differently it’s a 64bit live OS.

Root password: password (console, ssh).

Network: DHCP by default.

Writeable (persistence) filesystem is 1GB in size for this image.

You can resize it to fill the whole SD card’s space with:


Download page:


Omni ROM

Last Update 2023

OmniROM now in Raspberry pi 4! is our Android custom ROM variant, feature-packed but always with stability as #1 priority in mind.

Based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and enriched by our developers with lots of custom enhancements, OmniROM has set out to give you a great Android experience on your mobile.

We do custom ROMs since 2013

CyanogenMod is history - we are still here!

Can install games but not hardware accelerated!!!



# booting from sdcard



# booting from usb



Last Update 2023

VitaDock+ is the new and improved VitaDock software used to create a PlayStation Vita docking station for video output to a TV.

Improvements over the original

*Untested on most models as of now but it should just work. See info below to help me test and verify.



Download page(From here you will get always the latest version):


Last Update 2019

The Raspberry Pi is a powerful Linux computer that has gained wide acceptance among technicians and hobbyists, especially in automation projects.

In this field of automation, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) are extensively used because program implementation is done quickly and easily. Ladder programming is perfectly suited to control automated processes. For more complex calculations, some PLC manufacturers incorporate script languages as a complement to the ladder engine.

easyLadder is a complete PLC engine for the Raspberry Pi. It was designed to work together with the RasPICER board to provide the necessary inputs and outputs. Nevertheless, the RasPICER board is not required (but highly recommended), since you can use the Raspberry GPIO port to supply inputs and outputs to the system in industrial environments. In addition, the system can be expanded with up to 32 additional Ethernet I/O modules and up to 32 I2C I/O expanders.

The Raspberry Pi computer, when used for industrial automation, has several drawbacks that hinder the integration possibilities.

First, although the Raspberry out of the box has a number of GPIO and a serial port, its use is limited since all these signals have TTL levels, requiring some kind of signal conditioning. Second, the Raspberry powers from a +5 VDC supply and has no power management.

The RasPICER board has been designed to provide a complete interface to the automation world. RasPICER name stands for Raspberry Programmable Industrial Controller with Energy Resources.

Communication between the Raspberry Pi and the RasPICER board is accomplished through the onboard SPI serial interface.

easyLadder PLC engine was first designed to work with this board, but is fully optional.

The RasPICER board includes:

The RasPICER power manager controls the Raspberry Pi supply. The entire system is powered supplying a voltage from 12 VDC to 24 VDC to the terminals VDC and GND, or by means of the backup battery.

This power manager is fully configurable to fit every need.

The intended working for the manager is to provide power to the Raspberry whenever a valid voltage is detected. When power is lost, the Raspberry will continue powered until the control application decides that is safe to power down, by issuing a Linux poweroff command. When the poweroff procedure is completed, the RasPICER hardware will detect it and remove power to the Raspberry. The system status will continue unpowered until the main voltage is restored.

A push button is present on the RasPICER board to allow a power control like a PC ATX supply. You can power on or off the Raspberry with this button.

The watchdog function, when active, monitors the Raspberry Pi and removes power when no activity is detected, ensuring this way that the main control application is always up and running.

If you want additional information about the RasPICER board, you can download the User manual.

You can also download a ready to use industrial linux distribution with easyLadder.

For this image we selected the lightweight GNU/Linux Nard distribution. Nard GNU/Linux is a software development kit (SDK) for Raspberry Pi. Unlike "ordinary" Linux distributions Nard is intended entirely for the development of MOTS embedded systems running day and night for years in remote locations. Nard operates in a Raspberry Pi a like a Live USB in a PC. During boot everything is uploaded to RAM and executed from there.

You can find more information about Nard GNU/Linux distribution in http://www.arbetsmyra.dyndns.org/nard.

To use this image simply download the SD image and burn the image to your SD. Boot your Raspberry with this SD and your easyLadder PLC will be ready to use. You can find information about writing images to the SD in the raspberrypi.org site.

You can login to this system using SSH. 

Default credentials is username=root and password=pass.



EasyLadder engine Pack for Raspberry Pi 1:

EasyLadder PLC engine Pack for Raspberry Pi 2/3:

Install on Raspberry Pi OS:


Last Update 2024

Organize. Simplify. Enjoy!

DAKboard is a customizable display for photos, calendar, news, weather and so much more! DAKboard makes it easy to get organized so you won’t miss a thing.

Easiest install now from Raspberry Pi Imager!

Download(Need a Free Account to setup after install):

Blog Instructions:

Digital Wall Calendar

DAKboard is a digital wall calendar. It supports calendar syncing with Google Calendar, iCloud Calendar, Facebook and other online calendar services! Choose an agenda style to see the next few days, or display your events on a full monthly calendar. DAKboard makes a perfect digital family planner!

Sync with:

Beautiful Agenda View

The agenda style calendar is perfect for showing off upcoming events, conference schedules or meeting room schedules. Long descriptions, start and end times as well as the event location are all easily visible. Choose a color for each calendar and see it on the agenda.

Digital Photo Frame

DAKboard is a "set it, and forget it", digital picture frame. Authorize your favorite photo sharing service such as Instagram, Dropbox, Flickr or Google Photos and let DAKboard be your digital art display! Configure it to show your latest photos, or pull from a specific album. Have it change the photo at any interval you choose. There's no separate albums to manage, or SD cards to load. DAKboard is a wifi connected, smart picture frame!

Sync with:

The Ultimate Smart Home Dashboard

With everything you need in one place, DAKboard can help you stay informed at a glance. The following are just a few examples of how you can customize your DAKboard screens: