

10 Distros

Jan 6, 2024


The Hyperpie team are at it again with an official release of Hyperpie 2 (for the Raspberry Pi (3b and 3b+) – This official release comes with a huge changelog from the previous releases, as well as some serious modifications and the multi-threaded media downloader (get that media FASTER!).




Creating the bridge between the physical world and the internet is what we are all about. Create advanced robotics and remote-play experiences and share them with the world. No coding skills required. Get running in just 20 minutes!. Full Review in MagPi nº 110

SSID: surrogate-rpi

Password: surrogatetv




Free Acount needed:


The Null 2 is a DIY handheld games console powered by a Raspberry Pi 0, with a 3.2" screen and all the buttons you need to play some retro games.

Build Guide:

User Guide:




Happyearmuff's Image(Bios on /home/pi/bios):

Download Page:

Bios(The same of RetroPie):




Firmware Raspberry Pi:


Descomprimimos y eliminamos todos los archivos kernel.img de la carpeta boot, desde la Terminal tecleamos:

Firmware UEFI Raspberry Pi Latest:

Descomprimimos y movemos todos los archivos a la carpeta boot:

Copiaremos todo el contenido dentro de la carpeta boot a nuestra SD, en Raspberry Pi 4 de 4GB editamos el config.txt y agregamos la linea:

La ISO la flasheamos al Pendrive con Raspberry Pi Imager, Rufus o Etcher

Descarga, requiere cuenta gratuita:


AmogOS is a meme OS based on the hit game Among Us, in the same vain as Hannah Montana Linux, but it's also developed and made to be a highly lightweight operating system that can be used as a desktop OS if one really wanted to, and it's a bit ironic that AmogOS is lighter and less bloated than most mainstream distros (chad AmogOS vs bloated mainstream distro as youtuber TechHut put it). It packs so many features in only 1.6GB that we gave up adding them all to our features list since it was so long.


RPI only features


GitHub Releases:


Balena Sound

Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect

Stream audio from your favourite music services: Bluetooth, Airplay, Spotify Connect, UPnP and more!

Play perfectly synchronized audio on multiple devices all over your place.

Upgrade your audio quality with one of our supported DACs

Starter project enabling you to add multi-room audio streaming via Bluetooth, Airplay, Spotify Connect and others to any old speakers or Hi-Fi using just a Raspberry Pi.


Add a device to the application, enabling you to download the OS

Getting Started:

GitHub Page:


An out of the box Raspberry Pi "Raspberry Pi OS" distro that lets you receive, store and graph sensor information from ESP8266 chips.

It uses and MTIG stack: Mosquitto, Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana which are all pre-configured to work together. They automatically update using Docker.

This project started from a hackathon, where the organiser dumps a pile of esp8266 chips and sensors on a table that were up for grabs. I wanted build something that would take about 10 seconds to assemble and flash, and would be functional anywhere, no hardcoding of wifi settings and servers. Since I am the developer of CustomPiOS I also made a Raspberry Pi distro that has all the fancy dashboards pre-installed.

This work is also modular and written in a way you could build long lasting solutions, the code is all arranged so it’s easy to contribute and have a monitoring solution which is easy to customize.

What I am going to provide here is a set of tools, that would let you get pretty graphs from sensors with:

Cool tricks I am going to use:

Default credentials and hostname:





The latest Raspeberry Pi I am releasing is a distro that lets you flash and run social network called Pleroma. Its part of a group federated social networks known as the Fediverse. There are about 4 million users to date, although this does not compare to the giants today, its enough that the software is fairly mature and it looks and feel like networks you know, and there are enough people to follow and get a decent feed to read. It also mean you can use it for different uses not covered by mainsteam social networks.

An out of the box Raspberry Pi Raspbian distro that runs Pleroma using Docker and Nginx-proxy as a reverse proxy, with letsencrypt.


Initial Setup:




The idea is you get a RaspberryPi and plug a harddrive to it, put it at your friends, family or just in your house and backup up to it using a desktop client that should have the feel like Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. You also get history! The RaspberryPi can also be changed to a remote server (instructions here). This guide focuses on self-hosted instructions, because I think its strange all backup solutions out there require you to pay rent for your own data.

Using a 4TB drive for under $100 and a Pi, you can get much more storage which is not ephemeral.

The desktop client has been tested on both Linux, MacOS and Windows.


Default credentials and hostname:

Initial username for login in the web browser is admin password: admin

SSH login is user: pi password: raspberry

Set your wifi ssid and password at: backupfriendpi-wpa-supplicant.txt

hostname is: backupfriend Likely you need to connect to it using backupfriend or backupfriend.local




Zynthian OS

Imagine having all the sounds you ever dreamed of in the palm of your hand.


Zynthian is a new class of musical device. A powerful multitimbral synthesizer and audio processor, capable of managing up to 16 audio chains simultaneously. Also, it's a MIDI processor and router, equipped with standard MIDI ports, USB, WIFI & wired networks. It features:

You can use it for live performing, studio production or as a tool for sound exploration. 

Zynthian is a community-driven project and it's 100% open source. Free software on Open hardware. 

Completely configurable and fully hackable! Free as in Freedom. 

An open platform for sound synthesis & processing.

Building instructions:


