

10 Distros

Mar 10, 2024

Batocera Linux

Last upddate 2024

Batocera.linux is an open-source and completely free retro-gaming distribution that can be copied to a USB stick or an SD card with the aim of turning any computer/nano computer into a gaming console during a game or permanently. Batocera.linux does not require any modification on your computer. Note that you must own the games you play in order to comply with the law.


GPi Case[BCM2835]: 

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi Zero, Zero W[BCM2835]: 

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 1A, Pi 1A+[BCM2835]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 1B, Pi 1B+[BCM2835]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 2B[BCM2836]: 

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 3A+[BCM2837]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 3B, Pi 3B+[BCM2837]: 

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi CM3, Pi CM3+[BCM2837]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 4B[BCM2711]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi 400[BCM2711]:

Old releases: 

Raspberry Pi Zero 2W[BCM2836]:

Old releases:

Raspberry Pi 5[2712]:

Old releases:

Download page:

Old Releases: 

Angstrom Pi

Last upddate 2020

Distribución Linux para Raspberry Pi y que también funciona en otras placas SBC similares a la Raspi, como Beagle, entre otras. Está mantenida por un pequeño grupo de desarrolladores que han trabajado en otros proyectos como OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus y OpenSimpad. Se basa en Debian y va dirigida a dispositivos empotrados y con pocos recursos.

Download page:


Pi 4B Base:

Pi 4B Domoticz:

Pi 4B OctoPrint:

Pi 3B Base:

Pi 3B Domoticz:

Pi 3B OctoPrint:

Pi 2B Base:

Pi 2B Domoticz:

Pi 2B OctoPrint:

Pi 0W Base:

Pi 0W Domoticz:

Pi 0W OctoPrint:


Last upddate 2024

Multiroom Synchronized Playback

Play any of your music sources in sync on up to 6 Volumio players.

Automatic Backup & Sync

Automatic sync to all your devices and backup to a secure location.

Manifest User Interface

A new UI designed to display what a music player should do: Show the beauty of the Music.

CD Playback & Ripping

Play or copy your CDs in the most accurate way by simply attaching a USB CD-ROM drive.

Music Integration

Stream all your music formats and services for a bit-perfect Hi-Res playback.

Music & Artist Credits Discovery

Read Artists and Albums stories and discover new interesting facts about your collection.

Web based control interface

Easily manage Volumio with anything with a browser or our iOS and Android app.

The Best Sound Quality

Volumio is a true HI-FI Digital Music player tailored to offer uncompromised Audio Quality

Regardless of how you listen to your music, Volumio gives you the freedom to choose thanks to our Open Ecosystem. Volumio was built to be seamlessly integrated in many devices and to have all your music aggregated, delivering audio in bit-perfect quality.


Support all filetypes:

Download(PI 5 from 3.569):

Download page:

Quick Start guide:


Last upddate 2018

C-STEM Studio es una plataforma fácil de usar que permite controlar los LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT y EV3 directamente desde una Raspberry Pi. Mediante un solo dispositivo también puede controlar múltiples robots NXT/EV3 al mismo tiempo. Este tutorial te guiará a través de los pasos a seguir para instalar el software, conectarte a tus robots, y controlarlos.


Para conectarte a tu robot MINDSTORMS desde el Ch Mindstorms Controller, necesitarás tener acceso a la plataforma C-STEM Studio. Nosotros recomendamos descargar e instalar C-STEMbian, un sistema operativo Linux de código abierto gratuito para la Raspbberry Pi. C-STEMbian es un superconjunto de Raspbian, e incluye varias herramientas que proporcionan al usuario un interfaz amigable para la programación, robótica, y sistemas ciberfísicos. Si tu Raspberry Pi ya está usando Raspbian, puedes instalar los módulos de software C-STEM individualmente. Todo el software necesario, incluyendo C-STEMbian, está disponible en la página web de C-STEM, junto con instrucciones para guiarte a través del proceso de instalación, y para ayudarte a conectarte a tu Raspberry Pi.


Pi Bang

Last upddate 2013

PiBang está basada en Raspbian e inspirada en Crunchbang, se trata de una distro atractiva y ligera. Básicamente es un Raspbian mejorado con una filosofía de diseño minimalista y dejando de lado los complementos relacionados con la enseñanza que integra Raspbian. Igualmente también integra algunas diferencias más con respecto a Raspbian OS.

PiBang no utiliza LXDE, sino que usa un entorno de escritorio aun más ligero denominado Openbox Window Manager. El sistema de arranque usado es systemd, en vez del primitivo y lento sysv que emplea Raspbian. En cuanto a los repositorios, puede usar tanto los de Raspbian como los suyos para poder tener mayor abanico de software disponibles. Pcmanfm también ha sido sustituido por SpaceFM, igual que se usa ZSH como shell en vez del tradicional Bash. 



Red Sleeve Linux

Last upddate 2020

RedSleeve Linux is a 3rd party ARM port of a Linux distribution of a Prominent North American Enterprise Linux Vendor (PNAELV)


Raspberry Pi 1B+:

Old realease:

Raspberry Pi 2B:

Old realease: 

Raspberry Pi 3B:

Raspberry Pi 4B:

Old realease: 




Last upddate 2018

Sólo está disponible para Raspberry Pi 3.

Sólo sirve para usarse como PLC o autómata o Arduino ya que es programable en tiempo real. Y Recomienda usar Emteria.

Screenly Ose--Anthias

Last upddate 2023

Renamed to Anthias

Transform your screens into powerful digital signs.

Turn any modern TV or monitor into a digital sign with a Screenly Player - a smartphone-sized media player with a miniscule, 3-watt power draw. Just log in to your account at www.Screenly.io and connect your player, and you’ll be ready to go.

Screenly Open Source Edition (OSE) is free digital signage software that is backed by our community and maintained by Screenly, Inc. It's the standalone version of Screenly's paid version, and runs on dedicated hardware - the Raspberry Pi. Launched back in 2012 on GitHub, Screenly OSE now powers thousands of screens around the world.

While Screenly OSE is self-support only, there are several places where you can ask for help and troubleshoot. You can open an issue on Screenly OSE's GitHub page, post on the Screenly OSE Forum, or post on Screenly OSE's thread on the Raspberry Pi Foundation's forum.

Discrete Size

The Raspberry Pi-based Screenly Player fits in the palm of your hand.

Rock-solid Stability

Regular, automatic software updates and zero moving parts keep things simple.

Zero Downtime

Locally-stored content plays during internet outages.

Your content of choice, in stunning 1080p Full HD

Show the content you love with Screenly. Display images, videos, live web pages, and more in beautiful 1080p Full HD resolution. Whether you want to get the word out on a new promotional offer, show off your products, or keep employees in the loop with relevant updates, you can rely on Screenly.

Easy Install from Noobs:

GitHub download page:


Easy with Raspberry Pi Imager-->Freemium and paid-for OS-->Digital signage OS-->Screenly Player

Download the New Anthias:

Anthias OS:

Raspberry Pi Imager-->Other Specific OS-->Anthias

Windows IoT

Last upddate 2019

Microsoft has also opted for the ARM platform and for this reason it has adapted its operating systems to this set of instructions as we have already seen in Windows 8, Windows Phone and now Windows 10. With its imminent arrival, it seems that Redomond is willing to bet on the Raspberry Pi by making its latest operating system available to the community. This guarantees that there will be more app developers for their new platform, a matter of interest.

Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard:


Download Raspberry Pi 2 & 3:

Hardware support:


Run the Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard and click on Set up a new device and insert an SD card into your computer.

Hook up your Raspberry Pi to an external display.

Fill out the fields. Select "Broadcomm [Raspberry Pi 2 & 3]" as the device type. Make sure to give your device a new name and password. Otherwise the default credentials will remain as:


Last upddate 2014

Pidora is basically a Fedora Linux distribution specially optimized to run on ARM. For the rest of the features it is similar to Fedora, Red Hat's little sister, and maintained by the same developers of this free community. If you are interested, it is also officially recognized by the Raspberry Pi community and is integrated into the NOOBS.

