Jupyter Notebook & Lab

Jan 15, 2024

Jupiter Notebook

Open Terminal and type:


Open Browser:

Find it in menu Programming! 

From  another machine in the same network open a terminal, cmd, powershell:

Establish a SSH tunnel from Raspberry Pi to your device, in username the pi user, remote server ip the Raspberry Pi IP(If your device is Windows or Apple you can put @raspberrypi)


username: pibsas

remote_server_ip: raspberrypi

Type your pi password and hit enter. Open your browser:

Will ask for a token or password, go back to raspberry pi Terminal and type:

Copy the token you see after token= and pase on your remote device, now you will on the notebook.

Serve to the LAN:

Choose the ip of Raspberry Pi instead of localhost, and all the devices in your LAN will can access.

In your device connected to the same WiFI/Ethernet open a browser and type the Pi ip:8888/tree?token=the_token_key you will see the token on the Pi Terminal.

Or Generate a Password:

Open terminal and type.

Enter a password 2 times, then launch the server and just go to:

And Login with your configured password.


Jupyter Lab:


Open Browser if not automatically:

Find it in menu Programming!

Serve to the LAN:

Choose the ip of Raspberry Pi instead of localhost, and all the devices in your LAN will can access.

In your device connected to the same WiFI/Ethernet open a browser and type the Pi ip:8888/tree?token=the_token_key you will see the token on the Pi Terminal.

Or Generate a Password:

Open terminal and type.

Enter a password 2 times, then launch the server and just go to:

And Login with your configured password.




Open Browser:


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