

10 Distros

Jan 12, 2024


Last update 2018

Sistema Operativo Winebian para Raspberry Pi

Imagen basada en Raspbian Stretch con Wine configurado para usarlo directamente, con Juegos aportados de PC a ARM, NO HAY EMULACIÓN, Realizado por el colega Salvador Liébana

Juegos Incluidos:

▪Diablo 1 y 2

▪Starcraft brood war

▪Jack JazzRabbit 2

▪ Revolt RVGL (juego ARM sin wine)



Last update 2018

Su PBX Adaptado a Su Negocio

Con Elastix puede crear el PBX ideal para su negocio cualquiera que sea su tamaño o requerimientos; puede elegir como implementarlo dependiendo de sus necesidades y la de su negocio sobre su plataforma de comunicaciones. Ya sea que quiera un PBX Linux on-premise, instalarlo en Windows, o prefiera alojar su sistema telefónico en SU nube con su propia cuenta en la nube, la decisión es suya.



For Pi 4B use just Raspberry Pi OS and install with:

Run the 3CX install script:

Select what to install:

When the 3CX installation is complete, run the configuration wizard:


Last update 2017

Is an operating system based on Raspbian, it has to be complete easy to use for each person. There are no development tools because this system is for watching movies, listening to music as Windows.



Minoca OS

Last update 2017

Minoca OS is an open-source, general purpose operating system designed specifically for feature-rich embedded devices. It's got all the high-level functionality that you've come to expect from an operating system, but offers it in a fraction of the memory footprint.

It's Modular

It's Lean

It's Flexible

Descarga versión 0.4 para Raspberry Pi 1:

Descarga versión 0.4 para Raspberry Pi 2 y 3:


Last update 2019 Project Closed

Archphile is an ArchlinuxARM based distribution for the Raspberry Pi and the Odroid C2.

Archphile is an ArchlinuxARM/MPD/myMPD based audio distribution for embedded boards. It was created and is still being actively developed with the K.I.S.S. principle in mind.



Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, 3B+ 32bit:

Raspberry Pi 4B 64 bit:


Raspbian for Robots

Last update 2019

Raspbian for Robots has all the software you need built in to connect to your GoPiGo, BrickPi, GrovePi or Arduberry and get you programming in just a few minutes. All you need is an assembled robot and a computer with a web browser – no other downloads. All of the coding programs you need like Scratch and Python are already built-in, ready with sample programs to run, test and start learning.

Basado en Raspbian con todo lo necesario para programar los robots.



Raspbian For Robots by Dexter Industries Stretch:

Raspberry Pi 4B Buster:


Dexter OS

Last update 2020


Our drag-and-drop language for beginners to learn how to control the GoPiGo and dozens of its sensors!


Free, built-in lessons intuitively help students learn the basics of programming and robotics.


Enables more advanced students to use text-based coding to control the GoPiGo and dozens of sensors.


Buy the SD card with all software installed here.  Or download DexterOS here for free and install yourself.

About DexterOS:

Nothing to Install

Built-in Lessons



Fast to Update


Cinch OS for Robots

Last update 2018

Cinch. Cinch is designed to make it even easier to connect to your robot and start programming! Often homes and schools have complex wifi setups that make it hard to connect to the Raspberry Pi.

The Cinch Operating System solves this problem for Raspberry Pi Robots by allowing you to connect to your robot directly over wifi. You can use any wifi enable device (such as a laptop, PC, a phone, or a tablet). Cinch works by creating a wifi network with the Raspberry Pi, and allowing a computer to log-on to the Raspberry Pi. This is often called wifi tethering, and it allows you to quickly and easily set up a connection with the Raspberry Pi and bypass any complex network issues on your school or home network.


Urban Labs RPi OS

Last update 2017

This is a Debian-based (Debian Jessie) distro for Raspberry Pi for Arduino Prototyping.

Username: urbanlabs

Password: urbanlabs

Root Password: urbanlabsroot




Last update 2022

A Simple, small, powerful GNU/Linux Server for Raspberry Pi.

Selas GNU/Linux is A Simple, small, powerful GNU/Linux Server for Raspberry Pi ships with the most common software to manage your server. 

Selas is GNU/Linux distribution based in Raspbian focused on delivering a free (as freedom) software only, to ensure that you can use, study, modify, and share every and each part of it under free licenses.

What is the name meaning? 

"Selas" is a Greek word that meaning "Aurora" in english. 

Aurora is a natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high latitude (Arctic and Antractic) regions.

What is the logo meaning? 

The logo refers to the first letter of the name on the beam shape, and the latitude and longitude to indicate the purpose of the system mainly (Server).

What is the system username and password ? 

What is myql username and password ? 

Web Interface:


Source Code: