

10 Distros

Jun 10, 2024

Tizen OS

Last update 2024

Tizen es un rival de Android y Firefox OS, todos ellos sistemas operativos pensados para dispositivos móviles, basados en Linux y de código abierto. Ahora también podrás disfrutar de este sistema operativo en tu Raspberry Pi (versión 2 o superior), un sistema basado en HTML5 (por lo que si sabes programar en este lenguaje, podrás crear extraordinarias apps para Tizen) y con muchas similitudes con Firefox OS. 


How to flash:

You must have the supported binary images in your computer. To download the binary images, follow these steps:

Download images from Downloads

Download the compressed file for different devices or profiles from:


RPI4 Headless 32-bit:

RPI4 Headless 64bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit:

RPI4 Headed 64-bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit Hard-Float:

RPI4 Headless 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headless 64bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 64bit RT:

Tizen 8.0

RPI4 Headless 32-bit:

RPI4 Headless 64-bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit:

RPI4 Headed 64-bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit Hard-Float:

RPI4 Headless 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headless 64bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 64bit RT:

Tizen 7.0

RPI3 Headless 32-bit:

RPI3 Headed 32-bit:

RPI3 Headless 64-bit:

RPI3 Headed 64-bit:

RPI4 Headless 32-bit:

RPI4 Headless 64-bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit:

RPI4 Headed 64-bit:

RPI4 Headed 32-bit Hard-Float:

RPI4 Headless 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headless 64bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 32bit RT:

RPI4 Headed 64bit RT:

Install Tizen Studio:

To install Tizen Studio and the required profiles for IoT development, follow these steps:

From Raspberry Pi OS through Terminal:

My SD now have 10 partitions:

Login: root

Password: tizen

To Get WiFi we need a Samsung Account and Drivers from:

Add follow this steps:

Porting guide to Raspberry Pi Zero:

Porting guide to Raspberry pi 3B 32bit:


Plan 9

Last update 2023

Plan 9 from Bell Labs is a research system developed at Bell Labs starting in the late 1980s. Its original designers and authors were Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, Dave Presotto, and Phil Winterbottom. They were joined by many others as development continued throughout the 1990s to the present.


Open Domo OS

Last update Project closed

OpenDomoOS is a project that implements an accessible and secure home automation system, entirely based on OpenSource. The license under which the project is being developed the General Public License (GPL). This license guarantees freedom in the use of software, a core value of the current technological society. In general terms, this means that OpenDomo can be used, copied, modified and distributed freely.


Download page: 

Ubuntu Core

Last update 2024

From smart homes to smart drones, robots, and industrial systems, Ubuntu is the new standard for embedded Linux. Get the world’s best security, a custom app store, a huge developer community and reliable updates.


Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, 3A+ 4B, 400, 5:

Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, 3B+, 3A+ 4B, 400, Zero 2W 32 bit: 

Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, 3A+ 4B, 400, Zero 2W 64 bit: 

Raspberry Pi 4B Ubuntu 18.04 with Desktop "By The Remote", shared for Constantinos Giannopoulos on Raspberry Pi 3&4 Group :


Pi 4B 64bit:

Pi 4B 32bit:


Chromium OS

Last update Project Closed

Welcome to the Chromium OS for Single Board Computers website. From this site you can download the latest Chromium OS image that has been specially created to run on Raspberry Pi computers.


Learn to use:


I2P Berry OS

Last update Project Closed

I2PBerry distro Linux especialmente pensada para la Raspberry Pi 2 o superior y para implementar un sistema I2P. Todo en una imagen y lista para instalar en la SD de tu Pi. Y para el que no lo sepa, I2P es un sistema cuyas siglas provienen de Invisible Internet Proyect, y es una alternativa a Tor para el anonimato en la red. 

Download via Torrent:

Ichigo Jam

Last update 2018

IchigoJam BASIC RPi is Raspberry Pi Edition of the software of the Kids PC "IchigoJam".

Refer to https://ichigojam.net/index-en.html about original (LPC1114) edition.

IchigoJam was created to make it easy to enjoy programming in the BASIC language.

It can also be used for electronics hobby by using functions such as digital I/O, PWM, I2C and UART.


Tiny Core Linux

Last update 2023

The Core Project is a highly modular based system with community build extensions.

It starts with a recent Linux kernel, vmlinuz, and our root filesystem and start-up scripts packaged with a basic set of kernel modules in core.gz. Core (11MB) is simply the kernel + core.gz - this is the foundation for user created desktops, servers, or appliances. TinyCore is Core + Xvesa.tcz + Xprogs.tcz + aterm.tcz + fltk-1.3.tcz + flwm.tcz + wbar.tcz

TinyCore becomes simply an example of what the Core Project can produce, an 16MB FLTK/FLWM desktop.


For all Raspberry Pi: 

Raspberry Pi 2, 3B, Zero 2 W armv7: 

Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4B, 400 armv7l 32 bit:

Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4B, 400 aarch64 64bit:

OctoPrint OS

Last update 2024

Full remote control & monitoring

Control and monitor every aspect of your 3D printer and your printing jobs right from within your browser.

Compatible and extendable

OctoPrint's powerful plugin system allows extending its functionality with awesome plugins from the community.

100% Open Source

Free and open source software released under the Affero General Public License (AGPL).


Image with Camera Stack:

Setting up OctoPrint:



Last update 2020

It allows for simple and comfortable control and configuration of single board computers like the Raspberry Pi directly via any local internet browser (using laptop, PC or smartphone). This makes the connection of a mouse, keyboard or screen obsolete.

Play Audiophile Music & HD Videos

Max2Play lets you render all established audio formats. In addition, we offer special Max2Play Plugins for the most popular Raspberry Pi sound cards. A simple multiroom audio setup is one of Max2Play’s major application fields: we use a Squeezebox Server to set this up in order to be able to integrate all pre-existing Squeezeboxes into the multiroom system. Max2Play uses KODI and enables the playback of HD videos. Max2Play consequently allows both audio and video playback on one system.

Music Server & Home Automation

Max2Play is both server and player at the same time. This means you can install a Squeezeserver locally on your Max2Play device (e.g. Raspberry Pi) and use our mounting tools to easily mount your whole local music library. Additionally, the device can be used to play back music. Aside from local files, you can use streaming services like Spotify or stream music via AirPlay or Bluetooth. We also offer various plugins for home automation sector.


SSH access:

user: pi

password: max2play


Raspberry Pi Zero, Zero W, 1A+, Pi 1B+, 2B, 3B, 3B+:

Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, 4B:

Raspberry Pi all models:

Download page: