SCP Event Record 002

Event Record 002

On January 25th, 2024, reports about SCP-1048 acting strange started to come in. SCP-1048 and its instances were seen around the site conducting odd tasks, even speaking to hostile SCPs with a “plan” in mind. It seems SCP-1048 is working on a plan that could result in major damage to the Foundation and its personnel. 

This report will be broken down into each event that took place around PATHOS-III and the leads up to the end. 

Information from this event was collected by members of the Scientific Department

EVENT 001: SCP-682

January 25th, 2024

SCP-082 and SCP-049 were gathered around in Site Phi when SCP-1048 seems to have come to SCP-082 what it seems to have suggested that SCP-082 do a feeding on SCP-682 [SCP-082’s Steed]. SCP-082 agreed and switched into its “Mad Scientist” outfit. SCP-082 had Crimson-9 gather ten Class-D to bring to SCP-682

Once at SCP-682 it seemed SCP-1048 was eager to speak to SCP-682. SCP-1048 went down on the catwalks to speak to SCP-682. It is unknown what was said by SCP-1048, however, from SCP-682 he said something about “KEEP ME OUT OF IT, WHATEVER YOU ARE PLANNING”. 

This is the first time we have been made aware that SCP-1048 is planning something, and is trying to recruit SCPs to his cause.


January 26th, 2024

In Site Phi, SCP-049 wanted to speak to a Scientist and found Adept Research Grydor to speak to. SCP-049 wanted to speak in a private area and they moved. Below is an audio tape of SCP-049’s warning about the bears.

SCP-049: Scientist...You [Grydor] appear to be one of the better ones so I must warn you...Be wary of that bear

SCP-049: Since when I first arrived here. I, like the rest of them, were fooled by the public facade that Bear had designed.

SCP-049: He draws his pictures, gathers his "friends", or appears to be assisting others out of the goodness of his heart.

SCP-049: Though as I've resided here longer and continued my work. I began to finally notice irregularities in his behavior.

SCP-049: Something that appeared so kind and lovable was able to kill rooms of people with as little reason as someone bumping into him.

SCP-049: I've seen one of his creatures tear a man in half on his orders simply because it was convenient for him.

SCP-049: And now he's talking with the lizard...Attempting to involve him in his unknown "plan"...Whatever his "plan" is cannot be good, nor can his intentions be pure.

SCP-049: If he continues unchecked people will surely die.

SCP-049: Sooner than you believe this place may be experiencing a test unlike any seen before.

SCP-049: Do not let your guard down for a moment.

SCP-049: Whatever is happening will not end well.

It seems that SCP-049 has also been aware of the actions and changes in the behavior of SCP-1048, and gave the Foundation a firm warning of such. 

EVENT 003: SCP-106

January 26th, 2024

Little information is known about this event, however, major information was revealed within it. 

PATHOS-III experienced an SCP-106 breach when Crimson-9 was asked what caused the breach they were unsure. However, due to events within the breach, it is highly suggested that SCP-1048 may have had something to do with the breach. The events during the breach came from eyewitnesses and Mobile Task Force testimony. 

SCP-106 breached containment and went to Site Phi. Once in Site Phi, SCP-106 met with SCP-1048 and they seemed to be communicating. It is unknown what SCP-1048 said, however, from eyewitnesses it was reported that SCP-106 said the following; “The Bears finally talk" and "I will, I knew this day would come". After this brief confederation SCP-106 and SCP-1048, both stared at Pandora until Mobile Task Force containment units showed up. 

It seems SCP-1048 is indeed recruiting SCPS, but only hostile SCPs. SCP-682 refused to join, however, it seemed SCP-106 agreed to join. That is until we learned SCP-1048 already met with SCP-457.

EVENT 004: SCP-457

January 26th, 2024

After the SCP-106 was recontained, SCP-662-1 was seen in Site Phi as well as SCP-1048-B. Adept Researcher Grydor who was investigating the reports about SCP-1048 was talking to SCP-662-1 about the events with SCP-1048 and SCP-1048-B “Bolt” was near and heard about it. After the talk with Mr. Deeds, SCP-1048-B was seen following Adept Researcher Grydor around everywhere he went…keeping an eye on him. 

During the conversation with SCP-662-1, Adept Researcher Grydor was informed by a Mobile Task Force agent that SCP-1048 had already spoken to SCP-457 before the SCP-106 breach. He was informed that SCP-457 has agreed to join SCP-1048 in its plan and will “await for the signal”. Once this was known, an Interview with SCP-457 was scheduled for later that night.

With six Class-D personnel, SCP-457 was fueled up and in a good stage to speak with the Adept Researcher. The audio log of the interview can be seen below. Parts of the Audio Log were removed due to being irrelevant to the topic. 


Adept Researcher Grydor: Did the Bears come to talk to you? 

SCP-457: THEY DID      

Adept Researcher Grydor: What did the bears talk to you about? 


Adept Researcher Grydor: How soon? 






Adept Researcher Grydor: Did they come to you with a plan of sorts? 


Adept Researcher Grydor: Why did the bears show you a picture of a gravestone when they visited you? 



Adept Researcher Grydor: Does their plan involve mass breaching SCPs? 


Adept Researcher Grydor: Does their plan involve creating harm/chaos to the Foundation? 


Fuel gets sent in




As said before, it seems that SCP-457 has already been recruited into SCP-1048’s plan, and SCP-1048 is only recruiting from hostile SCPs, as SCP-049 and SCP-082 were not informed of SCP-1048’s plans. 

EVENT 005: SCP-662

January 27th, 2024

In the late hours of January 27th, 2024 SCP-1048 and all of its instances were spotted in front of Site Phi. They walked around and went to Site Omicron. They returned to Site Phi and took over the Breach Shelter for a small amount of time, however, they abandoned the Breach Shelter soon after. When they walked into the Phi cafe, SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds” was spotted and SCP-1048 spoke to Mr.Deeds. It is unknown what SCP-1048 told Mr.Deeds, however, Mr.Deeds acknowledged it and disappeared. 

Soon after, SCP-049  was also seen entering Site Phi, and it was at this time Adept Researcher Grydor went to SCP-049  about what had been happening with SCP-1048, as it was SCP-049  that warned him about these events. 

Adept Researcher Grydor and SCP-049  moved to a secure location and after talking, it was suggested we speak to SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds” using SCP-662, the bell. 

Adept Researcher Grydor, SCP-049, and Security Chief Arkzockt moved to the Cleanrooms to get SCP-662. Other combatives from the Military Police and Mobile Task Forces joined us in the Cleanrooms. Security Chief Arkzockt used the bell to summon Mr.Deeds to answer some questions. The audio log of the interview is not perfect and some statements from the bell holder were cut out. However, all information from Mr.Deeds was recorded. 


Adept Researcher Grydor:: The bears came to you in Site Phi, yes?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: Indeed, Sire.

Adept Researcher Grydor: What did the bears ask you to do?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: I am afraid I cannot disclose many details

The bear was explicit in his request, and unfortunately, I am not able to disclose his plans, nor the orders I received.

Security Chief Arkzockt:  Do it *Holding the bell out*

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: Sire

Security Chief Arkzockt:  We wish to know

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: I cannot because any information I reveal to you would result in your deaths, as well as many more.

Along with this. . .

I also do not doubt that revealing that information to you would prove to be fruitless, as the bear would prohibit that information from being seen by any human eyes.

Security Chief Arkzockt: I want to know badly

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: To reveal that information would be fruitless, and would result in your death.

It is no risk. It will happen.

None of you would leave here intact.

Afraid not.

It is my duty to ensure your protection.

Although. . .

While Lord Bear said I could not disclose any info regarding his plans, or my part in them, he did not state I could not reveal his intent.

[At this time the bears were seen watching us through the window in the Cleanrooms.]

At this point in the interview, SCP-1048 and its instances were seen watching us from a window leading into the storage room, where we were interviewing Mr.Deeds. Security Chief Arkzockt ordered Mr.Deeds to cease talking. Security Chief Arkzockt, Mobile Task Force Agent CellVoices, and Adept Researcher Grydor evacuated to a more secure location, without the SCP-1048 knowing where we were. SCP-049 provided a distraction for SCP-1048 while we moved away. 

The interview resumes in the new secure location.


Security Chief Arkzockt:   What are the bear's intentions?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: The bear's intentions are to control this facility. No one will be remaining if they get their way. Hundreds will Perish.

And that is if the bear's appetite is satiated after this goal is reached.

Mobile Task Force Agent: And they're going to breach everything to make that happen?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: I cannot disclose that.

While the bears said I could not disclose his plans or my part in them. He never said I could not disclose his true intentions.

In the years they have been here they have solidified themselves in this place.

As Said before I can not disclose anything about his plans or my part in them.

Adept Researcher Grydor: When is this plan?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: I am afraid that falls within his parameters.

Mobile Task Force Agent: How long have they been planning this?

SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds”: I can't be sure, I am unaware of that information.

It is now clear that SCP-1048’s intention is the complete control of Secure Containment Installation Pathos-III, regardless of the human life that may be lost within it. 


January 27th, 2024

After the interview with SCP-662-1 “Mr. Deeds” Adept Researcher Grydor, Security Chief Arkzockt, and Mobile Task Force Agent CellVoices went to confront SCP-1048. SCP-1048 and its instances were at SCP-049’s containment chamber to watch him. When pulled away by the Security Chief to talk privately in SCP-009’s containment zone, SCP-1048 denied everything when asked. 

The instances of SCP-1048 gathered around the room, and when SCP-1048 showed a picture of a gravestone (normally showing this picture when someone is about to die), the instances all attacked and killed everyone in the room. Soon after the attacks SCP-1048 and its instances went missing. 

Due to the new information and prior information, the Adept Researcher wrote a recommendation to the O5 Council and the Scientific Central Command on what to do about the current situation.


With the facts given to us by these actions and events from SCP-1048 it is clear to me, and to the Foundation that SCP-1048 is no longer an ally to the SCP Foundation nor a passive SCP. SCP-1048 has been recruiting from hostile SCPs [SCP-457, SCP-106 & SCP-682) to join its “plan” and when confronted about these plans, SCP-1048 will have the person killed or taken hostage. Which has been done multiple times. From key factors we have learned that SCP-1048’s plan is to take complete control of SCI-PATHOS-III and it is willing to kill to reach its goals. 

It is my recommendation to the Scientific Department Central Command and to the O5 Council that all instances of SCP-1048 be terminated and SCP-1048 be placed in a new containment chamber designed to keep it contained. SCP-1048’s free roam access should be stripped and if breached should be treated like a hostile SCP. 

The SCP Foundation can not waste any time on this and must move forward to ensure the safety of SCI-PATHOS-III and all the Foundation personnel who work there. 

Thank you,


Grydor, Adept Researcher


January 29th, 2024

SCP-1048's plan and plots were increasingly getting well known around SCI-PATHOS-III and on January 29th, 2024 SCP-1048 and all of its instances were seen gathering in Site Phi. Shortly after arriving in Site Phi, they quickly left, and that's when it happened. A mass containment failure of all hostile SCPs around the facility. SCP-106, SCP-173, SCP-457, SCP-682, and SCP-610-2 were all breached and caused mass chaos around SCI-PATHOS-III. Area 3 was ordered to be evacuated while Security and Mobile Task Force units quickly headed to contain the SCPs.


The following email was sent after the events unfolded;



CC: Situation Debriefing; Site Wide Containment Failure

Salutations Director,

As I am sure you are aware, an active incident report was opened by Mobile Task Force operatives on Sunday, January 28, 2024 2:25 PM. This incident was directly caused by SCP-1048, which was seen releasing SCPs from their Containment Chambers via surveillance equipment. After roughly twenty five minutes, Foundation Personnel were evacuated to Area 3 until the situation was brought under control by Security Personnel. Every SCP contained within Area 2 was breached during this Incident, creating a worrying reality that the "plans" mentioned by other SCPs may be more true to description than we would like. Me and other members of the Board have been discussing ways to handle this situation, and have concluded that the following action be taken:


We believe that the only way to stop this timeline of events from worsening is by finding a way to contain SCP-1048 permanently.

As testing indicates, SCP-1048 is indestructible. Any attempts to damage or harm it have had limited to no effect, and after a short period of time all damage appears to be negated. This is not the case for its instances, however it should be noted that SCP-1048 is able to reconstruct these instances back to their original condition within as little as fifteen minutes.

SCP-1048 has also proven to be impossible to reliably contain. The SCPs anomalous properties seem to include the ability to traverse gaps and spaces physically impossible for something of its mass, size and material to get through under normal circumstances. The inconsistency of this property has made it difficult to test, so the boundaries of said properties are unknown.

Originally, SCP-1048 received its Neutral status after it did not pose any direct threat to personnel. After the recent "upgrades" to its instances a few months back, we have since been considering putting research into permanent containment measures. These prove difficult due to the properties its instances possess, such as the ability to place interdimensional gateways at will. After the incident, we have decided to elevate the priority of this research. So far, we have decided that the safest means of containment are to create a small container, capable of counteracting SCP-1048s abilities to traverse areas otherwise physically impossible. Once contained, all instances would be terminated on sight. SCP-1048-D will need to be terminated shortly before containment, as to stop it directly removing SCP-1048 from its chamber. Additional research is also being put into finding materials potentially capable of blocking SCP-1048s influence over its instances. By containing it within a chamber made of such materials, the instances will no longer assist it in its goal of sieging the installation. We will provide more information closer to the time of this operation being conducted.

We urge all Staff to follow the guidelines set above, as we believe it be the only way to reduce casualties in the meantime. By treating SCP-1048 as though nothing is different, we will hopefully lure it back into a false sense of security, reducing its agitation until we are able to produce a container it is unable to breach.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or Board Vice-Chairman Franklyn via the necessary channels.


Board Chairman ██████

Secure Containment Procedures Foundation Advisory Board IV


A Special Research Report was created by members of the Scientific Department on the event that happened. 

[ScD] SCP-1048 Special Research Report 002