SCP Event Record 001

Event Record 001 

On October 27, 2023, all staff was information of the disappearance of SCP-1048 from it's containment chamber. 

Members of the Scientific Department and Mobile Task Force have soon caught sightings of SCP-1048 around the facility. However, SCP-1048 would run away and disappear before anyone could approach. SCP-1048 was suspected to be using the vents to travel around the site, as it would always disappear before an vent. 

PATHOS-III was soon given more information on SCP-1048 in a Facility Status Report as seen below;

Facility Status Report - Addendum #3

After the continued sightings of SCP-1048 yesterday, additional anomalous behavior was observed by various Foundation personnel, as well as a Security Agent from within site Omicron. SCP-1048 was witnessed gathering materials and additional objects of unknown relevance. Below is a report detailing the locations and anomalous activity spotted.

The significance of these sightings are still unknown, but it is clear that SCP-1048 is up to something. Containment specialists will be meeting at a later date to determine further courses of action.

Report further sightings to security staff immediately, and remain vigilant until the current situation is handled.


Sighting #1: According to autopsy, D-1498 expired at 0600 hours from within the Class-D containment area, succumbing to unknown causes. The exact cause of death remains undetermined due to the condition of the recovered body. The body went unnoticed until 0900 hours, where during routine patrols, the body was discovered missing a large portion of his internal organs and skin. Reviewal of CCTV shows sightings of SCP-1048 within Site Omicron at several time periods throughout the day. A detailed list of all missing internal organs missing is classified as of this time.

Sighting #2: At approximately 1200 hours, medical staff reported a sighting of SCP-1048 from within the med bay supply room, stealing approximately six packs of gauze, nine packs of suture thread, and an unknown amount of bandages. SCP-1048 quickly fled the area after being spotted and was not seen again until later that day.

Sighting #3: At approximately 1900 hours, a member of the janitorial staff witnessed SCP-1048 near the grass area of Site Phi. As the janitor was currently unaware of the current spike in anomalous activity regarding SCP-1048, he failed to alert security and continued with his work. After security was made aware of the sighting, Mobile Task Force personnel did a thorough sweep of the area, which has yielded no results.

Sighting #4: At approximately 2100 hours, personnel located near the evacuation shelter reported SCP-1048 requesting unspecified items from SCP-662. When questioned by observing personnel about the nature of the items requested by the bear,  SCP-662 confirmed that it was asked to provide SCP-1048 with a medical scalpel and a scanner, although it could not disclose the intended use of the items."

Facility Incident Report - 1048, Addendum #4

Around 1600 hours, a series of incidents transpired within Site Omicron and Site Phi. All the following accounts have been compiled using eyewitness reports and CCTV footage. It is crucial to note that this represents the first documented instance of SCP-1048 causing the termination of another anomaly.

1534 hours

1544 hours

1548 hours

1549 hours

Addendum 1048:001

1607 hours

1608 hours 

1609 hours

1612-15 hours

1620 hours

After the events in Facility Incident Report - 1048, Addendum #4 members of the Scientific Department create an SCP-1048 Special Research Report;

[ScD] SCP-1048 Special Research Report

Facility Incident Report - 1048, Addendum #5

On November 1st, SCP-1048 was seen around Site-Phi and Site-Epsilon. Using CCTV and eyewitnesses, Scientific research staff have written the following transcript. During these events, SCP-1048 caused the termination of another anomaly, as well as the harm of several others. This is the first SCP-1048 has opened communication with Foundation Personnel since the beginning of heightened activity.

Below is a chronological summation of the events during this time period:

Sighting 5:

Shortly after the termination of the SCP-368 instance, SCP-1048 was seen roaming around Site-Phi. Scientific Personnel were able to start communicating with SCP-1048 without it running off. [See Audio Log 1048:001]

Sighting 6:

See Imagine Addendum 1048:003

Addendum 1048:002

AUDIO LOG 1048:001

Adept Researcher ██████ : Have you been collecting stuff around the sites?
- SCP-1048 : nodded in the affirmative.

Adept Researcher ██████ : Are you working on a project?
- SCP-1048 : nodded in the affirmative.

Adept Researcher ██████ : Are you remaking your friends? [The Variants of SCP-1048]
- SCP-1048 : No reply

SCP-131 and SCP-1048 soon got into an argument. Crimson-9 and Rhino-8 tried to break up the argument. The Interview resumed after that.

Adept Researcher ██████ : So, your project. Is it going to be done soon?
- SCP-1048 : No reply

Adept Researcher ██████ : Do you need help collecting anything for it? What else do you need?
- SCP-1048 : nodded in the affirmative and showed a picture of the SCP-610-1 Hivemind

Addendum 1048:003 (Above}
Addendum 1048:004 (Below)

Sighting 7:

See Imagine Addendum 1048:004


SCP-1048 has seemed to be more aggressive with its goals, with one anomaly terminated and two others damaged. Personnel should use caution when dealing with SCP-1048. However, SCP-1048 has been seen to open up more to Foundation Personnel about its completed tasks around the site, however some things still remain unknown.

The Scientific Department has been encouraged to investigate the SCPs that were directly affected by SCP-1048 for further research.


After the events on October 27 - November 3rd it was revealed that SCP-1048 was collecting parts around the site, and from other SCPs to recreate it's own instances and created new ones. All the old instances of SCP-1048 have been remade and given new abilities. To learn more about the instances of SCP-1048 check out the SCP-1048 Information Page.

Page Credit

Facility Status Report - 1048, Addendum #3
Facility Incident Report - 1048, Addendum #4
Facility Incident Report - 1048, Addendum #5 - Written by Grydor

Special Research Report

Addendum 1048:001
Addendum 1048:003
Addendum 1048:004

Video of 1048 running into the Void Guardian portal