Nov 1 Summary
What a great day we had!
Science: We began with our new lesson on Electricity! We learned about positive and negative charges and that our bodies have a balance of them. When there's an imbalance or friction, it can create an electrical charge. So, this is the reason we get shocked when we go down the slide!!!
We did a cool experiment with tape where we saw that if you connect two pieces of tape together, then unstick them, they will repel each other or attract, depending on which way you face them, because only the positive side and the negative side go together (just like how batteries work!). We had fun with a game to show how you need to be neutral to create the best balance of energy. We had uneven amounts of red ribbons and white ribbons taped to us and we had to try to take someone else's ribbons to be neutral again.
History: The Battle at Tippecanoe and the War of 1812 were sad so learn about, but were a part of our history that made America how it is today. Did you know that the flag that was made to be flown at Fort McHenry was 50 pounds? After the battle there, "Our Flag Was Still There" (because we won!) and now we have a beautiful National Anthem that's sung at many events, like baseball games. Since we can't sew our own large flag, we painted one instead. It turned out beautiful!
IEW: Since painting time went into our IEW time, we only had time to color our own flag and learn the bible verse of this week, and sometimes, that's the best lesson of all to learn!
Trying to make ourselves neutral was fun!