
Making SLIME was so fun! 

Science: Did you know that alone, Borax, and glue are just that: Borax and glue! But when mixed together with water and food coloring, they make an ooey gooey mixture we call SLIME!  Some students had made slime before, but it was fun to make it with our classmates.  Everyone was able to take a little home. 

In History, we began learning about special American people who made a difference. This week, we learned a little about Alexander Graham Bell who made the first telephone. Wow, we've come a long way since then!  I introduced them to  Hellen Keller and how she learned how to finger spell (American Sign Language), but she had to have someone spell the letters into her hand because she was blind and deaf. Annie Sullivan was a life saver and helped Helen to eventually graduate from college, then Ms. Keller was able to travel to over 39 countries. She wanted to get the message out that people who had disabilities are able to learn,  just like she did. Thank you Mrs. Hakeem for showing us all the letters in Sign Language!  

I encouraged the students to watch the movie: " The Miracle Worker" when they got home. They were excited that there is a movie made about her life. 


We also learned about the Statue of Liberty and how it was a gift from France to the USA. We began a little fact book about different American symbols., which incorporated our writing time. 

Happy Birthday to Rosemary! It was her birthday on Thursday, so she brought cupcakes in to share with her friends!  We love celebrating YOU! 

I hope you were able to read the email I sent out about Valentine's Day and Career Day. Let me know if you can help on Career Day!