
Today was another great day, mostly because we had some sun, finally!! 

Many times, as students are arriving, we practice copying words from the board that have to do with what we'll be learning about that day. So today, we wrote words like materials, civil rights, freedom, and crucifixion. The students are getting so good at copying and some can even read them!

 In Science, we discussed different materials and what things are made of: wood, glass, plastic, metal and then discovered that things can be made with multiple materials. Our clothes can be made from cotton with metal zippers or snaps added for practical purposes. We looked around the room and sorted the materials by their properties: hard, soft, rough, strength, bendable or not, etc. and why things are made these ways. You can't wear a shirt made out of metal, right? A window needs to be made out of glass to see through it!

In History, we discussed the dawn of television! Radio was great to hear the news, listen to a comedy show, or just be entertained. But television made all the people on radio come alive! The students were able to view a few minutes of one of the best family shows from it's time: The Ozzie and Harriet Show. We laughed at the boys' humor and Mrs. Rivera pointed out how nicely everyone was dressed, even in their own home. It was a big deal to be on TV and they wanted to show the best image to the audience. 

Then we discussed the story of Ruby Bridges, the first Black child in the 1960s who attended an all White school in the South. At the age of six, she was brave to want to pave the way for equal treatment. People weren't very nice to her, in fact they yelled at her because they didn't want her to attend their child's school. US marshals had to escort her in, even the police didn't want to help. She ended up being the only child in the class, and her teacher treated her kindly. Ruby would pray before she walked to school and that made all the difference. Ruby started the Ruby Bridges Foundation and is making speeches around the US today, for the equal treatment of Blacks. She's a true hero!  We live in a wonderful country and are proud of our freedoms, so we colored a poster and wrote ways we are happy about our freedom. 

Our Bible verse for the day "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Luke 6:31, tied in perfectly with our History lesson. We discussed how we like to be treated and how we should treat others.  Since we are coming up on the week before Easter, we read a story about all the events leading up to it and did a cut and paste mini-book all about symbols of Lent. 

We were dismissed a little early to vote for the senior group who copied the best owl cake. They both turned out so great!

Hopefully you saw the info about the free Easter event happening at Foothill Vineyard, Saturday April 1st. Hope you can be there! Looks like so much fun! 

Also, Branches handed out a small bag of Easter goodies as a gift to each student. Check your child's backpack! 

Thank you to Mrs. Pons for coming to help today!