
We are winding down! 

Three more weeks to go! I am getting emotional thinking about my littles not being in my class anymore.  They've grown up so much since our first time together in September. 

Tuesday in Science, we had some more fun with Water! We watched how water "searches out" other water molecules and travels down the paper towel into another cup, where colored water joins and becomes a new color.  We show some before and after photos below. We also saw how water will travel down a piece of yarn into another cup and not spill. Did you know you can make a musical instrument out of glasses filled with different amounts of water? We guessed  which would make a higher or lower note, one glass filled with water or one with very little. The higher amount of water, the lower the note, because the space in the glass is taken up by water and doesn't have as much space to echo the tune when hit. We also saw how water is reflected in a glass to bend diagonal lines into curved lines, which we found to be so strange because when we looked through the glass at each other, we didn't see a distorted image. Hmmm...the interesting things we discover...

In History, we learned all about life before the Internet! Mrs. Rivera had to listen to music on a record or the radio and she was so excited when cassette tapes and then CDs were invented! We learned about how computers were taught to talk to each other and the World Wide Web was begun. Facebook and Amazon were begun in people's garages and their college dorm rooms. We also learned about Mt. Rushmore, which presidents are on it and we added some facts to our American symbols booklet. 

While we were adding the US facts, we discussed the nouns and verbs (and some adjectives were added). 

We discussed our bible verse about Jesus being the Good Shepherd and sang the B-I-B-L-E song. 

I SOOO appreciate all the beautiful gifts you gave me for Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you all for the cute notes, beautiful flowers/plants, gift cards, the thermos, and the donuts. I love my first year at Branches, you have made me feel so welcome, and I will miss you all so much. I hope all of you will be returning in August so I can see you!