
I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

In Science today, we learned about SOUND! Did you know that to produce sound, something has to move? Whether speaking (our vocal chords move...and we felt the vibration when touching our throat!), clapping our hands, or stomping our feet, something always has to move to make a sound happen. Sound can bounce off objects, too. We had fun making "music" with our homemade instruments: tapping pencils, rubber bands around a box, a tapered straw, paper whistles, and with Mrs. Rivera's ukulele.

In History, we learned all about the blessings of smart people throughout the last two hundred years, who wanted to make life easier with their inventions. Machines definitely make life now so much more convenient. The Industrial Revolution was a God-send in so many ways. No longer are people hanging their clothes to dry, because now we have dryers! No need for back-breaking work on a farm because now we have tractors to till the fields and machines to separate the cotton from the burrs that are so prickly. We can simply go to the store and buy our clothes, no need for looms or shearing sheep. God is soo soo good!

We combined History time with IEW and wrote about/drew a picture of what people used to do by hand and what machines are capable of doing now.

We also praised our Lord with our song "Awesome God", read The Christmas Story, and discussed the different nativities we have in our homes to remind us that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

A few students were dressed in the Western theme for senior week, so we took a picture together.