费丹黎 女士向我校捐赠书籍作品

费丹黎 女士近日向我校捐赠她书籍作品, 费女士祖籍浙江湖州,生于北京,清代画家费丹旭后人。自幼喜爱中国古典文学艺术。曾考入中央工艺美术学院。毕业于中国人民大学,兼修中国国画。1991年留美,现工作定居于美国密西根州。 费女士的大作《晓风鹤梦》是介绍清代著名画家费丹旭作品的专著费丹旭(号晓楼)是清代著名画家。自幼习画,家学渊源。他擅长仕女画,笔法秀润飘逸,设色素淡,形象清秀,并擅长以诗词为意境作画。他更长于人物肖像画,善于将肖像画与山水融为一体,以表现人物的内心世界。兼能作山水、花卉。传世代表作品有:《十二金钗图册》,藏于北京故宫博物院;《果园感旧图》,藏于浙江省博物馆;《东轩吟社图》,藏于浙江省博物馆;《纨扇倚秋图轴》,藏于上海博物馆,等。又善书法,能诗词,着有《依旧草堂遗稿》、《费晓楼未刻诗》。


--- Leo Xie

Ms. Amy Fei (费丹黎) Donates Book to MNCCS

Ms. Amy Fei (费丹黎) recently donated her book and works to our school. Ms. Fei was raised in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province and born in Beijing. She is a descendant of Qing Dynasty painter Fei Danxu (费丹旭). Ms. Fei has loved Chinese classical literature and art since childhood. She was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Ms. Fei graduated from Renmin University of China, majoring in Chinese painting. She studied in the United States in 1991 and now works in Michigan. Ms. Fei's masterpiece "Dawn of the Wind and Crane" is a monograph introducing the works of the famous Qing Dynasty painter Fei Danxu.

Fei Danxu (费丹旭), aka (Hao Xiaolou (号晓楼)), was a famous painter in the Qing Dynasty. He specialized in painting beautiful portraits, with delicate and elegant brushwork, light colors, and beautiful images. He was also a master at painting poetry as an artistic conception; he integrated portrait painting with landscapes to express the inner world of classic characters. His works include: "The Atlas of Twelve Golden Hairpins'', collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing; "The Old Picture of Orchard," collected in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum; "The Picture of Dongxuan Yishe," collected in the Zhejiang Museum; "Fan Yiyi" "Autumn Picture Axis", held in the Shanghai Museum, etc. He is also good at calligraphy and poetry. He is the author of "Still the Manuscripts of Thatched Cottage" and "Unengraved Poems by Fei Xiaolou".

The book will enter the library of our school. Interested students and parents are welcome to borrow.

--- English translation by Nicole Zhong