2017 MNCCS Summer Soccer Program

Post date: May 13, 2017 8:55:5 PM

2017新世纪中文学校暑期足球队开始报名啦。暑期中文学校足球联赛是为了丰富孩子们暑期活动,鼓励孩子们更多的参与室外运动而开展的。球队间的比赛将在 新世纪中文学校,安华中文学校,坎通中文学校,和大底特律中文学校的球队之间展开。本次报名主要通过Google Form报名,填写了报名表的家长请于周日上课时间交给领队叶海虹或者陈颖(Room 465)具体报名细则请参照下列要求:

Please register your child(ren) at the School Office at school on Sunday, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, and 6/4 and pay the fee when you do the registration in either Cash or check ( payable to MNCCS ). Please make sure you will select the correct Jersey size and pick 3 different their preferred numbers for their Jersey.

Time : June 25th, 2016 (Sunday) through August 6th, 2016 (Sunday)

Every Thursday and Sunday evening, from 7PM - 8:30PM

Place : Novi ITC Park, Soccer field

North East corner of 8 Mile Road and Napier Road

Age Group :

Team Young Five 5 yr old Birth year: 2012

Team Thunder 6-7 yr Birth year: 2011, 2010

Team Storm 8-9 yr Birth year: 2009, 2008

Team Lightening 10-11 yr Birth year: 2007, 2006

Team Tornado 12-13 yr Birth year: 2005, 2004

Team Hurricane 14+ yr Birth year: 2003, 2002

Fee : $60 per Child, You will receive $15 discount if you pay in full

by June 11th, 2016 ( MNCCS Picnic Day @ Kensington Metro Park).

Fee is for jersey, practice and game, Trophies, and End of season pizza party.

Waiver :

Please fill the attached Waiver Form and sign it and submit when you register.

Registration Google Doc Link :
