2018 MNCCS Summer Soccer Registration
Post date: May 20, 2018 2:9:15 AM
暑期中文学校足球联赛是为了丰富孩子们暑期活动,鼓励孩子们更多的参与室外运动而开展的。球队间的比赛将在新世纪中文学校,安华中文学校,坎通中文学校,和底特律中文学校的球队之间展开。本次报名主要通过Google Form报名,填写了报名表的家长请于Jun24 之前将报名费交给陈颖/孙良(check payable to MNCCS)其他关于报名的问题请联系总领队谢洛(xieleo@gmail.com),陈颖(gracechen.mnccs@gmail.com )Game Time : Sunday Afternoon (June 24th -August 5th, 2018)
Practice is on every Thursday 6:30-8 pm (or based on coach's availability)
Location: TBD
Fee : $60 per Child, You will receive $15 discount if you pay in full by June11th, 2018 (at picnic)
Fee is for jersey, practices, games, Trophies, and pizza party at end of the session.
Waiver : Please check the Waiver link and make a choice at bottom of this form.
Please follow this link to register:
--- 谢洛,陈颖