2015 - 2016 新课程介绍 (New Courses Introduction)

Post date: Sep 23, 2015 2:30:7 PM

中国书法与文化 (Chinese Calligraphy and Culture)

书法与文化课程是为对中国传统文化感兴趣的学生设计的。 课程包括书法入门和《弟子规》朗诵两部分。本课程不仅能给孩子们提供一个了解, 欣赏和体验中国毛笔书法的平台,更能让孩子通过练习书法朗诵古代经典来陶冶性情以及培养专注力。入门初级课程将专注于最广为应用的楷书. 力求通过学习此课程提高孩子的审美,并且激发孩子对中文学习和中国文化的兴趣。

Chinese Calligraphy and Culture

Calligraphy and culture course designed for students who are interested in Chinese traditional culture. Course includes calligraphy introduction and 《弟子规》 recitation. This course will not only help students understand, appreciate and experience platform of Chinese brush calligraphy, but also allow the students to recite ancient classics to edify and cultivate mindfulness. Calligraphy portion will focus on the regular script of the most widely used form. Hope this course can help to improve students aesthetic appreciation level and to stimulate students interest in learning Chinese and Chinese culture.

空竹表演队 (Chinese Yoyo)



演讲与口才(Chinese Speech)

演讲与口才是一门实用,可操作的技能型的课程。通过这门课的学习,学生可以系统地了解演讲与口才的基本知识,而且通过大量的课上练习 突破说的障碍,掌握的一般演讲与口才的规律,方法和技巧从而提高学生中文思维和口头表达能力。培养学生的勇气,自信。 课程内容以趣味性为主,提高学生说,学中文的兴趣。 以老师指导,学生课堂听说为主的教学方式。适于三年级到五年级的学生。

Chinese Speech

Speech and eloquence is a practical, operational skills-based curriculum. Through this course, students can systematically understand the basics of speech and eloquence, and by a large number of class exercises breakthrough Chinese speaking barriers. Students will grasp the general laws of speech and eloquence, methods and techniques to improve students' Chinese thinking and verbal expression ability. Improve students� self-confidence. Course content-based interest stories and improve student interest in learning Chinese. With the guidance of teachers, more students practice teaching methods. Suitable for Third graders to Fifth graders.

兴趣中文班 (Creative Chinese )

兴趣中文是为六到八年级的学生开设的演讲与口才。演讲与口才是一门实用,可操作的技能型的课程。通过这门课的学习,学生可以系统地了解演讲与口才的基本知识,而且通过大量的课上练习 突破说的障碍,掌握的一般演讲与口才的规律,方法和技巧从而提高学生中文思维和口头表达能力。培养学生的勇气,自信。 课程内容以中国人文,历史,地理,文化为主, 辅以相关中国流行电视节目。以老师指导,学生课后自主研究,课堂演讲为主的教学方式。适于有一定中文听说基础的学生。

Creative Chinese

Creative Chinese is designed for 6th graders to 8th graders. Speech and eloquence is a practical, operational skills-based curriculum. Through this course, students can systematically understand the basics of speech and eloquence, and by a large number of class exercises breakthrough Chinese speaking barriers. Students will grasp the general laws of speech and eloquence, methods and techniques to improve students' Chinese thinking and verbal expression ability. Improve students self-confidence. Course content will include Chinese culture, history, and geography supplemented by the relevant Chinese popular television program. With the guidance of teachers, students will lead most class room speech. Suitable for students with intermediate Chinese listening, speaking ability.