密西根新世纪中文学校的紧急通知 | MNCCS Important Announcement

Post date: Jan 23, 2020 10:25:41 PM


Hello parents and teachers,


非常感谢参与准备此次活动的人们所付出的努力。学校争取安排适当的时间 ( 比如学期结束 ) 给已经排练好的所有节目登场的机会。

按计划本周日,1月26号没有课,祝大家过一个安全、健康、快乐的金鼠年 ! 2月2号恢复上课 !!



The school has recently been following the out break of "Wuhan coronavirus" and its impact on us. The spread of the domestic epidemic is becoming increasingly serious, and cases have also occurred in the United States. Many teachers and parents have expressed great concerns. Comprehensive consideration of the pros and cons, in order to prevent accidents and ensure the health and safety of teachers', parents, and especially students, the school administration has decided to cancel the Spring Festival this Saturday, 1/25/2020. Wish everyone understands.

Thank you very much for the efforts involved in preparing this event. The school will try to arrange an appropriate time (such as the end of the semester) to give all the rehearsals that have been rehearsed to appear.

As planned, no class this Sunday, January 26th. Wish you all a safe, healthy and happy new year of the Golden Rat! Class will resume on February 2nd! !!

School Administration

Michigan New Century Chinese School
