
Post date: Mar 27, 2020 2:35:43 AM

Update 4/20/2020


--- Leo Xie





1. 捐献个人防护用品


Northville: 17167 Spring Hill Ct, Northville, MI 48168

Novi: 25571 Hillsdale Dr., Novi, MI 48374


2. 捐款购买防护用品



任何的 zelle application 都可以送至以下邮件 mnccs.org@gmail.com。

鉴于目前的状况,我们只接受网上捐款。捐款时一定要注明“MNCCS CoVid 19 special donation”

目前我们所有的校委会成员已经认捐了$6500. 捐款总额已经达到 $8,000.00 !!

3. 任何家长愿意帮助学校收集,分送的请与我们联系。

学校会阶段性的给大家报告每一份捐款的利用情况。我们的能力是有限的, 我们对自己家园的爱护和责任心是无限的。

风急雨骤, 我们共度时艰。让我们一起行动, 尽自己的绵薄之力,维护我们的美丽家园。与此同时, 还望每一位朋友遵守政府的规定, 尽可能减少外出, 保护好自己和家人, 邻里守望, 互帮互助, 平安度过风险期。





We know everyone is doing their best right now. For the convenience of parents, our school decided to continue to lead the donation.

1. Donate personal protective equipment

Please donate your extra protective equipment to our healthcare workers. Tell us your address, we will come to collect. Or drop to the following address

Northville: 17167 Spring Hill Ct, Northville, MI 48168

Novi: 25571 Hillsdale Dr, Novi 48374

After reaching a certain amount, MNCCS will donate to hospitals or police stations.

2. Donate money to buy protective equipment

Several enthusiastic parents at the school recently bought masks from China through various channels. You are welcome to contact us if you have any other trusted channels. The donation to MNCCS is used to buy PPE only.

If parents wish to make donation, please contribute to the school's special account.

Any Zelle application can be sent to mnccs.org@gmail.com.

we only accept online donations. Be sure to mark your donation as "MNCCS CoVid 19 special donation"

So far, MNCCS admin members have pledged $6,500.

3. Any parents who would like to help MNCCS to collect and distribute please contact us.

MNCCS will report the use of each donation periodically. Our ability is limited, our love and responsibility for our own homes is unlimited.

At the same time, we also hope that every friend to abide by the government's regulations, reduce the need to go out, protect yourself and your families, help each other, to get through this hard time.

Thank you!

Michigan New Century Chinese School




Some of the pictures today. More photos to come.