VHSL Answers to WCP Questions:

November 2023

VHSL Training Excerpt

VHSL Answer on 16-Nov-2022 ~ Click Here

VHSL Answer on 7-Dec-2022 by Mr. Caison ~ Click Here

VSHL Answer on 7-Dec-2022 by Mr. Robinson ~ Click Here

VHSL Answer on 16-Nov-2022


As an example #1, let's assume a child initially weighs on a scale at 142 and is approved to go no lower than 136.8 for the overall season. And, let's assume the weight drop/ramp/calculator in TrackWrestling only allows him to be no lower than 138.1 on December 3rd. If the child weighs 138.5, will the 2% buffer allow him to wrestle 138 weight class on that day?

Example #2, if the TrackWrestling calculator allows him to be no lower than 137.9 and he weighs in at137.0, will the 2% buffer allow him to wrestle at the 138 pound weight class on that day?

Example #3, if he is certified to go no lower than 138.2 for the season, do we assume he can not wrestlethe138 pound weight class at any time in the season, and can we assume the 2% buffer does not allow him to get to the next lower weight class as such?


Good afternoon, it would be beneficial for you to review the VHSL handbook pages 106-107 discussing contest limits.Also helpful will be pages 156-159 that is specific to wrestling. I am in no way trying to be diffi cult but I am not goingto address weight questi ons for now. We can examine or assist when necessary once the regular season is underway.The WCP outlines where the wrestler can be throughout the year. Good luck for the upcoming season. Chris Robinson

VHSL Answer on 6-Dec-2022 and 7-Dec-2022


I have a question regarding the VHSL weight control plan. I attended the mandatory rules clinic and read the VHSL WCP for this year several times. I have a case where a wrestler has a WCP calculating him to be120.27 on Friday December 9th. I also read the guide and the example provided below showing use of the 2% buffer to allow him to weigh less than 120.27 on Dec-9 plus allowing him to enter the 120 weight class for that day.


Good morning coaches and thank you for the email. Please understand this is NOT the intent of the buffer.When used in this manner, it is ‘driving kids to the buffer’ instead of following the approved WLP. The buffer is meant to protect kids, an example would be when they are sick and return to an event, or variances between scales of two schools. It is not meant to allow a wrestler to compete before the WLP allows or to be a target.

With all this said, by rule they can compete at the weight class below as long as they can reach that weight class by their next contest.  I hope this provides some clarification and good luck! Chris Robinson