William Pratt

1877 - 1957

William was born in Tewkesbury in 1877.

In 1893, William Archer Pratt produced a storming finish on Red Eyes to force a dead-heat with Cypria in the Cesarewitch. Remarkably, 50 years later, he trained Whiteway to win the same race.

A son of Cheltenham trainer Francis Pratt, whose wife was Fred Archer's sister, Willie was apprenticed to James Ryan at Newmarket.

He was snapped up by the powerful Rothschild stable in France and, between 1898 and 1903, won the Grand Prix four times.

In 1904, he gave up riding to become trainer to Lord Derby and 'Solly' Jol, among others.

On the outbreak of WW2, he was training for M P Wertheimer.

He returned to Britain in 1940 and set up a small stable.

In 1949, Walter Earl, the trainer at Stanley House Stable, was taken ill. He had collapsed during racing at Newmarket in April. He subsequently underwent brain surgery and remained desperately ill until he died the following year.

Willie took over and prepared that great stayer Alycidon to win the Goodwood & Doncaster Cups.

He married his cousin Ethel, daughter of Charles Archer. His three daughters married the three Newmarket trainers, J Watts, H Cottrill & C Halsey.

Charles Pratt, Willie's younger brother, trained at Lambourn until he was killed in an air crash returning from a race meeting.

Willie Pratt died on October 4, 1957, aged 80.