Pedro Pereti


Pedro Pereti

Article by Alan Trout

Pedro Pereti’s career on the Flat in England was very short. It lasted for less than an hour and consisted of just two rides, but one of them was a winner.

On March 18, 1907, the first day of the new Flat season at Lincoln, Pedro rode in the opening race, the Trial Selling Plate, finishing unplaced on Florenne. The following race was the Carholme Selling Plate, which Pedro won by half a length on The Kicker, owned and trained by Juan Torterolo.

Pedro’s riding style aroused some comments. The Sportsman, a rival publication to the Sporting Life, opined: “the jockey was sitting up straighter than the most conservative of our own jockeys,” and implied that he might have been in trouble had the wind been against him rather than following him.

The paper also spoke of Pedro being “careful not to throw away the smallest chance, and returning to the unsaddling enclosure was careful not to take even a foot out of the stirrups until he was told he could do so with safety”.

It appears likely that Pedro Pereri hailed from Argentina and had been brought over by fellow countryman Juan Torterolo, who had ridden in England a few years earlier and had just commenced training, based at Fitzroy Stables in Newmarket.

While Pedro Pereti’s subsequent whereabouts are unknown, Juan Torterolo returned to Argentina in 1910 and became champion trainer there in 1919, then moved to France and trained at Lamorlaye, near Chantilly, achieving his greatest success when winning the 1926 Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe with Biribi.