
Browse through our VGE reports to win a first impression! 

How distribution transformers have their own sustainable role to play in the age of energy transition
(Fall 2021)                   

Under the guidance of the power management company Eaton, IiVP alumnus Stanley Peng (Agricultural Engineering – Renewable Energy Systems) researched on the impact of renewable energy on medium voltage distribution grids.

Virtual Volunteering: Online Tutoring for Refugee/Migrant Children or Adults
(Summer 2021)                   

Under the guidance of the non-profit organization Station Wien, IiVP alumna Xinjin Li (Statistics & Computer Science ) tutored a girl in English.

Outreach and Marketing for “Green.Building.Solutions.(GBS)” and “Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)”

(Spring 2021)                   

Under the guidance of Carina Kamptner (summer universities), IiVP alumna Victoria Heredia-Ferran (Marketing/Spanish) and IiVP alumnus Andrew Huang (Economics) examined and applied marketing strategies for international online and in-person summer universities.

COVID-19-Related School Closings: USA and Europe - A Contribution to the Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Responses

(Spring 2021)                   

Under the guidance of Renée McCormack, Family Nurse Practitioner (American International School Vienna) , IiVP alumnus Kevin Ingram (Biochemistry/Psychology) researched the impact on children/students of closing/reopening schools during a pandemic.

Anti-Muslim Racism in Political Campaigns in Austria, the EU, and the US – a Comparison
(Spring 2021)                   

Under the guidance of Magdalena Stern (SOS Mitmensch/human rights pressure group), IiVP alumnus Angel Bermudez (Biology) researched methods and instruments to analyze anti-Muslim racism in political campaigns and compared examples of anti-Muslim racism and its public responses/consequences in Austria, the EU, and the US.

Impact of Brand Campaigning: Company Engagement in the Nonprofit Sector  
(Spring 2021)                   

Under the guidance of Anna-Teresa Reiter (Thus Agency), IiVP alumna Emily Freiburger (MS Management) and alumnus  Max Masquelier (Global Studies, Minor in History) researched new marketing strategies in the profit as well as the nonprofit sector. 

Market Research for A Sustainable Packaging Innovation of Mondi Advantage Stretch in Vienna, Austria
(Fall 2020)                   

Under the guidance of Marco Macoratti, Head of Sustainable Business Solutions, IiVP alumna  Banu Gulecyuz (Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Minor in Journalism) learned research techniques for Business Marketing into an industrial search, that will serve as basis for Segmenting / Targeting / Positioning of a new product. 

Virtual Volunteering: Online Tutoring for Refugee/Migrant Children or Adults  
(Fall 2020)                   

Under the guidance of the non-profit organization Station Wien, IiVP alumna Kimberly Wilson (Sociology) tutored two Afghan girls in English. She also gained new perspectives through discussing current events with the girls. 

COVID-19-Related School Closings: USA and Europe
(Fall 2020)                   

Under the guidance of the Family Nurse Practitioner, Renée McCormack, IiVP alumnus Cole Phillips (Economics) researched the impact of COVID-19 related school closures on students .

Business Analysis for Online Catering Company in Vienna, Austria
(Summer 2020)

Under the guidance of IiVP mentor Krista Reischer, IiVP alumna Alyssa Kern (Econometrics and Quantitative Economics/Informatics) was conducting research and analyzing a virtual practice firm, Gourmet GmbH (business type: LLC). 

Advancement of Immigrants and Refugees at a Non-Profit Organization in Vienna, Austria
(Summer 2020)                   

Under the guidance of the non-profit organization Station Wien, IiVP alumna Sophia Ebel (Comparative Literature and German/French and Arabic + Certificate in Translation Studies ) tutored a Syrian girl in English, German, and History and practiced her Arabic with the family.

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