Banu Gulecyuz Report

Market Research for a Sustainable Packaging Innovation of Mondi Advantage Stretch

What the student said:

For most of my life, I have tried to live by the  saying, "the first step to being comfortable is to be uncomfortable." My virtual internship through IiVP was just this. Moving online due to the  pandemic, I have found myself having to take myself out of my comfort zone and working on Mondi's Marketing Project. 

Connecting virtually to do this international project has been an extremely rewarding experience. As we try to navigate and adjust to a virtual world, I really value IiVP for acting as a bridge for me to do so. Thank you so much to Mondi and the IiVP team for giving me this invaluable experience! 

IiVP Alumna Banu Gulecyuz
(Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Minor in Journalism) 

What the mentor said:

Every encounter with the University of Illinois' Gies College of Business students and IiVP has been rewarding. Always curious about the Paper & Packaging Industry, smart in connecting the dots, and eager to learn about the business. This year, I can add they are also committed to deliver, despite the unusual virtual setting.


Banu Gulecyuz and the team worked on a challenging marketing project with open minds, humble to ask for guidance, and with belief of contributing to Mondi’s business and to the environment. In presenting their findings to Management, they all exceeded expectations!

Marco Macoratti, Head of Sustainable Business Solutions, Mondi Group

What we say:

Congratulations to Banu Gulecyuz on completing this ambitious IiVP Virtual Project in this extra-ordinary Fall of 2020! Thank you Marco Macoratti for his committed mentorship-work.