
We would like to join the global climate mitigation movement! Every person counts, every contribution counts. And we think we all need to do (much) more – for ourselves and future generations.


We want to provide tips on how to make smart, enjoyable and environmental-friendly choices during your study abroad life in Vienna. Here are our suggestions for our IiVP sustainability challenge:

Urban mobility

Vienna has a great public transport network, which includes night buses during the week and 24-hour subway service on weekends. Take the „Öffis“ whenever you can, and always have your ticket on you. To find out where to go, use the WienMobil app from the Wiener Linien or the VOR service.


1,400 kilometers of bike paths in Vienna will make it especially easy for you to choose this greener alternative: Rent a Radel (bike) or kick and electric scooters. In case you do buy a bike, for example at a flea market, you can fix it at the bikekitchen, a public space spanning a workshop, a kitchen and a lounge for events.


However, it’s very nice to just walk around in Vienna. The city is not that big ;) With the Wien zu Fuß (Vienna by foot) app, you can count your steps, set yourself a daily target, and see where you rank within your district.

Traveling around

For trips within Austria or to other EU countries, there are also sustainable options:


If you have to take a plane, look for direct flights. Airlines also offer compensation payments that can be added to your ticket price. With EcoPassenger, you can compare your emissions and other environmental impacts by means of transport (for travels within Europe and Russia).

Sustainable living and responsible consumer behavior


In Vienna, the tap water is of excellent quality and drinkable. So don’t buy yet another plastic bottle that you will throw away afterwards. Take a reusable bottle with you to refill it wherever you go. The Cooles Wien App shows you where the “Trinkbrunnen” (drinking fountains) are as well as where you can cool down on a hot day. Find drinking fountains at Campus WU on the map (Facilities – Food – Drinking Fountain).

If you would like to learn interesting facts about Vienna’s drinking water supply and be active at the same time, take a walk along one of the two routes of the Water Main Hiking Path.

Also, tap water is usually free in restaurants but you have to order it. That is not to say that you should waste it. Save water and energy whenever possible: take a shorter shower, turn off the water when you brush your teeth, turn off the lights when you leave a room, and use search engines like Ecosia.

(Food) Waste management

We separate waste so that the following recycling process can be as energy efficient as possible. Familiarize yourself with the waste color scheme and container contents. Reducing and avoiding waste would be better though… Tracking sustainability and zero waste through Vienna, the Zero Waste Grätzl tours (in English) show you all the possibilities the districts have to offer. If you’re already familiar with the zero waste lifestyle, find Zero Waste shops close to you.

If you can’t avoid waste, support shops like the Tüwi near the BOKU, where you can buy regional and organic food from the Hofladen or get a drink with your friends. They also have regular events. WU Mensa offers good food while avoiding waste as you’ll eat on an actual plate with actual cutlery, and their takeaway dishware is ecological too – no plastic!


Vienna is all meat and sausages? That’s not true! Check out these amazing vegan places, where even non-vegans love the food.


The Too Good To Go app (in German) takes action against food waste. You just order food which would normally go to waste because a restaurant or shop can’t sell it anymore. It’s as easy as any other delivery service!

You want to buy or sell something? The online portal for used goods willhaben (in German) is well-known in Austria. At the end of your exchange semester, donate or sell items you no longer need. If you plan to donate furniture or similar items, consider the charity Caritas (in German). This way, you make others happy and do good for the environment. We kindly ask you to bring smaller items to the IiVP office so we can keep them for future study abroad students. Thanks!


Sustainable souvenirs

But before you go home, you might want to get a souvenir for your family, friends, or yourself. We recommend supporting local business owners and small shops with products made in Austria. You won’t find these authentic products in the US!

Second-hand shopping in Vienna

Thrift Stores:

Retail Vintage Clothing Shops:

Events for Swapping Clothes (Kleidertauschbörsen):

Online Second-Hand Shops & Apps:

Babäm! | Österreichs Second Hand-Onlineshop für Mode aus Wien (


Further Websites:

The Best Flea Markets and Thrift Stores in Vienna, Austria (

Vintage clothing from Vienna - (

Vienna: Green and smart

Vienna is a green city, from the parks on the Ringstrasse to green spaces such as the Augarten or Prater. No other city in the world is as green (in 2020)! Almost half of the metropolitan area is made up of green spaces, there are even green walls. Go on one of the green tours through Vienna to discover future-oriented climate-friendly projects in the city. As gardening has positive effects on your life, we recommend using your “green thumb“ one of these days. Also, you might want to check out some of the many free places for bathing (in German) when it gets warm.


Vienna is a smart city offering a high quality of life for all residents with the greatest possible protection of resources through social and technical innovations.

We’ve got big plans: The capital of Austria reduces its local per capita greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, and by 85 per cent by 2050 (compared to the baseline year of 2005). The city also reduces its material footprint of consumption per capita by 30 per cent by 2030, and by 50 per cent by 2050.

Besides being number 1 in the Smart City ranking (in 2019), Vienna is also one of the safest destinations, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

Smart technologies simplify and improve life in a city, such as free WiFi or the Personal Vienna Guide ivie. And that’s why we think before we print, too.

Give electronic devices a second chance! With the Reparaturbonus, you can help the environment and save money. Please ask the IiVP team for help as you have to generate the discount in German. We also have recommendations as to where to go for the repair.

Student initiatives at WU

Green Buddies help you learn more about WU's efforts on sustainability (note that most information is provided in German). If you would like to get in touch with other groups, click here to see a list of student organizations. Contact them to get involved!


Bring Your Own Box: If you buy lunch at Campus WU, you can bring your own lunch box. This way, unnecessary single-use packaging and waste can be avoided. Participating gastronomies are Das Campus, WU Mensa, Library Cafe, Baschly, and Finn.


Coffee to go cup: For just €1, a reusable coffee cup can be purchased at participating gastronomy businesses and at WU Shop. On Campus WU, WU Mensa, Library Cafe, and Finn are participating. When you return the cup, you will receive a voucher which is worth €1. This voucher can then be redeemed at all partners. There is also a return machine set up on campus (in the area of the Teaching Center/garage exit P1).


The students' union ÖH WU provides an online marketplace for used academic books. You can find their opening hours and a list of available books online (website only available in German).

Education and awareness

You are in a position where you can educate yourself (and later others) about sustainability. Take advantage of your time in Vienna by taking courses, going to lectures, and speaking with experts. Here are some useful links:

Want to read the SP22 students' policy statements for accelerating climate change mitigation?

Now it’s your turn to do something! Here’s your Sustainability Challenge: Set a goal for your exchange semester to make your everyday life more sustainable. For example:

Sustainability challenge awards: