
How to find your way to and around Vienna!

From the Airport to the City

There are several possibilities to travel from the Vienna International Airport to Vienna.  Estimated time: half an hour by taxi; one hour by public transport.

A. The least expensive option is to travel with the suburban railway Express train S7 which departs from the airport twice an hour. One can reach locations in the city of Vienna within 25 minutes.  (Not to be confused with the more expensive and only  slightly faster City Airport Train--CAT)

B.  Please consult this information for travel by bus: 

The Vienna Airport Lines travel between the Vienna Airport and three transportation hubs in the city. One of the buses travels directly to the Westbahnhof (West Train Station), which is in 10-15 minute walking distance from Haus Erasmus. There are ticket terminals directly in front of the bus stop, located immediately outside the arrivals hall at the airport. Please note that tickets for the bus line are NOT tickets for the city public transportation (Wiener Linien) and are only valid on the bus. 

C.  A regular taxi to the city costs around 35-40 Euros. A pre-ordered red cab (cooperation with Austrian Airlines) costs 32 Euros. Several providers accept online reservations.  

Important: You need to buy your own transportation tickets after your independent arrival. As soon as we can complete your registration at the Vienna municipal office, we will purchase semester transportation passes (included in your overall program fee) for you.  Please buy a ticket that is valid from the Vienna airport to the city border and also for the core zone of Vienna.  Depending on your individual needs, please consider purchasing a 24-, 48- or 72-hour ticket or even a weekly pass. Here you can find more ticket information. All tickets can be purchased at the airport ticket office and vending machines.

Transportation from the City to the Airport

The least expensive option is to take the S-Bahn (S7) from Wien-Mitte Landstraße (U4 and U3 stop) to the airport. Your Wiener Linien student semester passes cover all U-Bahnen (subway), Straßenbahnen (tram), Busse (bus) and Schnellbahnen (light-rail) travel within the city limits of Vienna. Therefore, you must buy another ticket from the city limits (ab Stadtgrenze) to the airport and vice-versa. It costs 1,20 Euro  if you have your Vorteilscard (ÖBB rail discount card) with you. 

To WU Campus

The easiest way to reach the Wirtschaftsuniversität is by subway line U2 (purple line): Get off at "Messe-Prater" and take the exit "Wirtschaftsuniversität." After leaving the subway building, turn right and after a 2-minute walk you will see the campus on your left. 

IiVP Office on WU Campus

The IiVP Office at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (LC Building, 4th Floor in the International Office)

Our IiVP office is located in the central  Library and Learning Center (LC) building of the Wirtschaftsuniversität/Vienna University of Economics and Business. Please use the interactive WU map and type in our room number "LC.4.344” for further details. The office is located on the fourth floor of the LC building. Please turn left after exiting the elevator and go to the International Office. We are near the front desk of the International Office. 

On and around WU Campus