Pre-departure information

I strongly recommend visiting less-common places while studying abroad. I did my GER 205 final project in a small town in the Czech Republic and some of the most interesting stories that came out of my experience abroad were from visiting places that not a lot of people do. Travelling to smaller cities in Austria and around Europe broadened my perspective by being exposed to a wider variety of history and culture.

Paisely Meyer, VDP, Spring 2019

Prior to studying abroad, you will receive all the information you need to make the most of your experience, academically, culturally, and professionally. Please consult our Quick Links and Pre-Departure Check List frequently, as your preparation continues!



  • Commit to your program!

  • Meet with your academic advisor to go over coursework while abroad and complete a course approval summary form.

  • Attend the online welcome event.

  • Complete the IiVP Online Questionnaire 1 (Housing, Ski Week etc...).

  • Submit all required forms in your My Study Abroad account.

  • Attend the program orientation meeting and Study Abroad Launch event.

  • Begin preparing documentation for your passport and visa applications.

  • Book the recommended group flight.

  • Make an appointment with your doctor or the McKinley Travel Clinic to discuss health while abroad.

  • Complete LAS 291-292 pre-departure assignments.