Pre-departure information



Weather Information

Austria lies within a temperate climatic zone. 

Detailed information: 

Austrian weather forecast: 

Illinois students usually consider Viennese weather to be comparatively mild. 

Important Items!

IiVP suggested packing list 

1. Although computer services at the WU and Universität Wien are excellent, most students bring their own laptops. Student dorms offer internet access at low costs. You should buy a power adapter from a retailer like Radio Shack or Best Buy.

2. We do not recommend that you bring other U.S. appliances with you.  If you do, it is prudent to acquire an adapter for Austria before you travel.  Retailers such as Radio Shack or Best Buy may sell appropriate adapters.

3. Many students use WhatsApp to communicate here. Most also bring their own cell phonesIf you choose to bring your own cell phone, please consult with your provider about the details regarding international usage prior to departure. The Erasmus Buddy Network provides good information about purchasing cell phones here and will be eager to offer it to you when you arrive.

4. Most students rely on U.S. ATM cards for cash. It is usually advantageous to obtain Euros from ATMs in Austria instead of converting currency at a bank prior to arrival. Check with your US bank about fees for ATM use in Austria.

5. Program-housing students: we recommend that you bring a towel, sheets, a fitted sheet, and a duvet cover for a twin-sized bed. A mattress, a light comforter, and a pillow will be provided. If you would like to borrow bedding please let us know in advance (this will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis).

6. We do not recommend that you bring kitchen supplies. Students from the last semesters have left some of these items. You could borrow all these used items and return them at the end of your stay or purchase new ones inexpensively at IKEA, etc. 

7. School supplies are available at reasonable prices in Vienna.

8. When having packages sent to you in Austria, please mark them “for personal use, no commercial value” and remember that a stiff custom charge may be levied on packages with a declared value of more than $50.

9. We recommend bringing a variety of clothing, including warm clothing and clothing appropriate for concerts, theater, and events with leading political/cultural figures.