Taking Care of your mind, body, and soul

Travellers residing abroad may carry medicine into Austria for their own personal needs.

We recommend bringing prescribed medication with you.

All students will receive an Austrian health insurance card (e-card), for which we have applied for you. Please remember to check your mailboxes regularly! Until you receive this card, you will need to tell your healthcare providers that you are registered with the ÖGK (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse) and give them your Austrian health insurance number, which you received from Dr. Pfefferle. You might need to pay a deposit. 


When you visit ÖGK healthcare providers, present the card. For most services, there will be no charge. If you receive prescriptions after treatment, you have to go to a pharmacy (die Apotheke) to receive your medications. There may be a modest co-payment for prescriptions (die Rezeptgebühr).


Depending on how serious your condition feels, you have two options:

General Physicians (praktische Ärzte und Ärztinnen)

Dr. Gerald DOLHYJ 

         Address: Weintraubengasse 13, 1020


         Phone: +43 1 2165383  


Mo: 14-18 Uhr

Di: 15-18 Uhr

Mi: 9-12 Uhr and 15-18 Uhr

Do: 9-12 Uhr

Fr: 8-12 Uhr


Dr. Birgit HÖLLER 

  Address: Darwingasse 9/3, 1020 Wien 

Phone: +43 1 2880710 

   Website: https://www.ordi-ums-eck.at/


         Mo, Mi, Do: 8-12 Uhr

         Di: 15-19 Uhr

         Fr: 9-13 Uhr

Dr. Kerstin WÖRTHER 

Address: Hammer-Purgstallgasse 5/1-2,

1020 Wien 

Phone: +43 1 8903010 

E-Mail: office@ozkv.at  

Website: https://ozkv.at/


         Mo, Di: 8-14 Uhr

Mi: 15-20 Uhr

Do: 9-17 Uhr

Fr: 7-12 Uhr

In the past, students have had particularly good experiences with the doctors mentioned below

You may also find the following sites helpful to search for healthcare providers:

Choose healthcare providers who are associated with the ÖGK (formerly known as WGKK).

Dentists (Zahnärzte und Zahnärztinnen):

Dr. Friedrich PRODINGER

Address: Praterstraße 66, 1020 Wien

Phone: +43 1 214 13 78

Mo: 12-18 Uhr

Di: 12-18 Uhr

Mi: 9-14 Uhr

Do: 12-18 Uhr


         Address: Praterstraße 15/19, 1020 Wien

         Phone: +43 1 214 63 13

         E-Mail: info@zahnarzt2.at

Website: https://www.zahnarzt2.at 


   Mo, Di, Do: 9:30-13 Uhr and 14-17:30 Uhr



If you need help making an appointment, let us know.

Our emergency phone numbers

Alexandra Pfefferle: +43 664 9144294

To stay healthy, we recommend 

Take this study abroad experience as a chance for personal growth and positive change. Break a bad habit or let something new become a habit! Moving to another country is a great chance to try new things.


However, if you are experiencing any difficulties adjusting to your study abroad experience or simply having a very bad day – contact us! We understand these are challenging times and have plenty of ideas for you to feel better soon. Don’t wait to talk to someone if you do not feel well.

You have access to a variety of psychological/mental health support services



WU's Student Support

WU's Student Support offers a student counselling program as well as support for students with disabilities, chronic illnesses, mental disorders, and learning difficulties (see BeAble program). The offers are free of charge, confidential, and anonymous.

If you feel like you need support during your studies at WU, feel free to contact staff of the student support directly. You can find further information on the counselling program on the website of Student Engagement & Counselling.


Psychological Outpatient Clinic

The Sigmund Freud University service is located next to Campus WU.

Welthandelsplatz 3, ground floor, 1020 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 798 40 98 / 370

Email: psyambulanz@sfu.ac.at

Prices are based on your income and very reasonable. Please contact them beforehand to find out if you can get counseling in your first language.


The following services are offered by public institutions and are free of charge:

Psychological counseling for students

If you would like to speak to a professional about challenges you are facing during your studies, you can contact the Counseling Center for Students. Their offer is free of charge, confidential, and anonymous.

Lederergasse 35, 4th Floor, 1080 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 402 30 91

Email: psychologische.studentenberatung@univie.ac.at

Opening Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm, 1:00pm – 3:00pm

(On Tuesdays, only available in the afternoon)

Further, this institution offers an interesting and useful online guide called "Coming to a New Country", which is specifically addressing exchange students.


Social services hotline for Vienna (Sozialruf der Stadt Wien)

If you would like to speak to a social worker about problems you are facing in your life, contact the social services hotline for Vienna.

Phone: +43 1 53377 77

Email: sozialruf@m47.magwien.gv.at

Opening Hours: daily from 8:00am – 8:00pm


Social Psychiatric Emergency Service (Sozialpsychiatrischer Notdienst)

In cases of serious mental health problems, contact the social psychiatric emergency service. You will be able to speak with trained psychiatrists.

Gumpendorfer Straße 157, 1060 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 31330

Email: sndpost@psd-wien.at

Opening Hours: 24/7


Important emergency phone numbers in Austria

Fire Department (Feuerwehr): 122

Police (Polizei): 133

Emergency Medical Services (Rettung): 144

European Emergency Phone Number (EU-wide): 112

Medical Services for night-time and weekends (Ärztefunkdienst): 141

Poison antidote service: +3 1 406 43 43

Make sure to take care of your (mental) health! Stay happy and healthy!