
  • Vienna is the multicultural capital and largest city of Austria. It is also one of Austria’s nine federal states.

  • 1.9 million people (2.6 within the metropolitan area) – 190 000 students

  • Located in the east of Austria, close to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and in the heart of Europe. Vienna has always functioned as a bridge between the East and West of Europe.

  • Smart City Wien is repeatedly ranked as the city with the highest quality of life on Earth. In 2019 for the tenth year in a row!

  • Vibrant city life, international lifestyle and great food, Kaffeehauskultur...

  • …and of course: home to well-respected academic institutions!

Vienna hosts numerous international and European organizations:

Vienna is one of the most important headquarters of International Organizations (IO) in the world, with a focus on the promotion of peace, security, sustainable development, the fight against organized crime, drug abuse, corruption and terrorism.