Pre-departure information



We strongly recommend the group flight (Austrian Airlines flight number OS66 from Chicago to Vienna--date and time to be announced via email). Students who take this flight will be met at the Vienna airport by IiVP staff and accompanied to their dorms. Independent housing students will be accompanied to a central location in Vienna and given detailed instruction for travel to their various housing providers.

If you are unable to take this flight, you must arrive in Vienna no later than the group flight arrives to participate in all initial orientation activities (dorm move-in, municipal registration, WU matriculation, discounted public transportation pass purchase).


  • Book flights when group flight information is available to minimize the cost.

  • Be aware of time-zone differences.

  • Pack a snack for your flight.

  • Pack all electronics and valuables in your carry-on luggage.

  • Plan the transfer to your accommodation well in advance of your travel.

  • Charge your devices before traveling.

  • Pack all medication in your carry-on luggage for immediate use.

  • If possible, check in online 24-47 hours before your flight.

  • Generate electronic copies of all important documents.

  • Make your luggage stand out by attaching a ribbon or band on it.