Sophia Ebel Report

Multi-Lingual Exchange at Station Wien in Vienna, Austria (Summer 2020)

What the student said:

 Before last semester, I was thinking, ‘I don’t want to take online classes, I’d rather just do things in person’, but now, I see how beneficial those can be and how important virtual education and virtual educational support can be also.  Those can be really impactful!  

 I’d done things with translation, but I hadn’t thought so much about teaching or tutoring between different languages and so that was really exciting for me to get to try that.  It’s now something that I’m thinking, ‘Oh, this might be interesting to actually pursue a little bit further and see what that can look like long-term, or as a career’. 

 I’m going to keep doing this [exchange] this fall, and then look into classes or other things to build on that in a more academic or professional capacity too.

IiVP Alumna Sophia Ebel
(Comparative Literature and German/French and Arabic + Certificate in Translation Studies

What the mentor said:

We are delighted to have Sophia as a volunteer in our tutoring program that is aimed at establishing contacts between people with and without migration background and/or refugee status in order to enable mutual learning. Extra-ordinary times require innovative solutions so we are excited about this new possibility of connecting refugee families in Austria with virtual volunteers from Ilinois! 

Thank you so much, Sophia, for your commitment and thank you, IiVP, for initializing this wonderful cooperation!  

Mag.a Katharina Kurzmann, MSc (Station Wien)

What we say:

Congratulations to Sophia Ebel on completing this socially valuable IiVP Virtual Project in this extra-ordinary Summer of 2020!
Thank you Station Wien for their committed mentorship-work and for making cultural exchange and understanding reality.