Alyssa Kern Report

Business Analysis for Online Catering Company in Vienna, Austria (Summer 2020)

What the student said:

"This internship project granted me the unique opportunity to explore consumer buying trends and marketing strategies for a virtual catering company abroad. Through close mentorship, I was able to craft a thorough presentation of my research findings while incorporating my pre-existing technical knowledge to offer suggestions of improvement for the company."

IiVP Alumna Alyssa Kern
(Econometrics and Quantitative Economics/Informatics) 

What the mentor said:

“Alyssa had some creative ideas and was able to incorporate her statistical knowledge into a marketing project at a high-level.
I hope to use parts of her presentation in my virtual practice firm."

IiVP Mentor Krista Reischer

What we say:

Congratulations to Alyssa Kern on completing the first IiVP Virtual Project in this extra-ordinary Summer of 2020!
Thank you Krista Reischer for her committed mentorship-work. We appreciate it and hope to experience many Virtual Projects teams like the two of you!