Anti-Muslim Racism in Political campaigns in Austria, the eu and the US - a comparisonAnti-Muslim Racism in Political Campaigns in Austria, the EU, and the US – a Comparis

What the students said:

Over the course of ten weeks, I was able to develop a report on Muslim racism in American politics. The experience went very smoothly, especially considering the limitations created by a global pandemic. My mentor, Magdalena Stern, gave constructive feedback consistently. Along with great collaboration with my partner, this helped to create a more polished final product. 


Overall, it was an interesting experience, focusing on an important issue. We were able to compare the climate surrounding Muslims in America and Austria. More than that, there was an opportunity to gain insight on the discrimination of another minority group. We expanded our awareness, while working with an established NGO in Austria.

IiVP Alumnus Angel Bermudez

What the mentor said:

As a Human Rights Pressure Group, who has published three reports on Anti-Muslim Racism in Austrian politics so far, we were interested to learn about the U.S. context. I enjoyed mentoring Amrita and Angel, whose report can serve as a starting point for further research on Anti-Muslim Racism in US politics. Thank you IiVP for facilitating this fruitful virtual project! You can find more information on our website.


Mentor Magdalena Stern

What we say:

Congratulations to Angel Bermudez and his colleague for developing this interesting report on Anti-Muslim racism in US politics and giving us new insights on the topic.

Thank you Magdalena Stern for her committed mentorship-work.