Outreach and Marketing for “Green.Building.Solutions.(GBS)” and “Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)”


What the students said:

Working with AEMs and GBS has been a great experience helping me learn more about the difficulties in reaching young professionals through non-paid social media advertising. I got to work on my data analytics and research skills which I can use in almost any job I choose in the future. Because the internship was virtual, a lot of the work was independent, and me and my co-intern were heavily dependent on concise and reliable communication which we did very efficiently with the rest of the team. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work and network with international teams during COVID-19. 

IiVP Alumna Victoria Heredia-Ferran

In general, I would say the experience is expected but still surprising. Though my group only has 2 members, Victoria and me, I think it's a unique experience since I've never worked in such a small group. We did a pretty good job during the journey as I  believe both of us are pretty initiative and communicative. Even under the pandemic and the difficult communication issues, we've made through all these obstacles through emails and zoom meetings. My co-worker is fantastic and as a senior, she always guides me and provides useful suggestions to me, a freshman with limited working experience. Also, all our bosses are friendly and approachable. They are always trying to provide a flexible working environment for us so that we can work as efficiently as we can. Though it's almost the end of the semester, I feel very quick to finish the project. The internship developed my initiative and communicative working habit and throughout the process, I feel like the working conditions are almost my future ideal working style. I feel happy about all the things and it's a great journey! 

IiVP Alumnus Andrew Huang

What the mentor said:

Mentoring Andrew and Victoria was very enriching for me and my team. The students created an online marketing strategy for our two international summer universities. Through their active involvement, we could gain new insights into how to best reach students in the USA as well as in China and Asia. Victoria and Andrew, having diverse cultural and academic backgrounds, provided us with valuable inputs. Their final paper is a great starting point for us to reconsider our strategy. I enjoyed the IiVP mentoring program very much. Thank you for this opportunity!

Carina Kamptner
(summer universities

What we say:

Congratulations to Victoria Heredia-Ferran and Andrew Huang on completing this interesting IiVP Virtual Global Experience! You two were a great team and did a fantastic job.

Thank you, Carina Kamptner, for your committed mentorship-work.