
Power Workouts

Open Chords

Open chords are the foundation, the starting place for most rhythm guitar playing. If you can master these open chord forms, you’ll be able to play an incredible amount of songs.

Barre Chords

A well-rounded guitarist needs the capability to play chords in any key.

Major Scales

Major scales are the building blocks for all of music. Think of scales as the letters of the alphabet, which we then use to create music. Major scales can be played in myriad of forms on the guitar. This lesson focuses on one concept—playing every major scale for one octave in a single position on the guitar.

Pentatonic Scales

Many guitar players know a couple pentatonic scale forms but don’t understand how they connect together. This power workout shows you how pentatonic scales connect, so you can play any pentatonic scale anywhere on the neck.

Connecting Three Notes

Learning the entire guitar neck seems like an incredibly hard task for most guitar players. There is one exercise that opened the world of the guitar neck to me more than any other—three notes on a string scales.

Jazz Arpeggios

Wouldn’t it be great to look at a chord and immediately have a great sounding arpeggio to play over it anywhere on the neck? The seven arpeggio forms in this workout can get you there. Add a little time and effort and you’ll get a tremendous payoff in your playing and soloing.

Finger Flexibility Workout

Finger Flexibility Workout

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