Using the Entire Fretboard

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Using the Entire Fretboard

Using the Entire Fretboard

Many times as a guitarist it may not even occur to us to play in other parts of the neck. One of the unique things that a guitar can do that few other instruments can do is play the same note in various places on the neck—each having a different sound and character. The same note, not other octaves, but the same pitch can be played in numerous places on a guitar.


Different areas of the neck have subtly different sounds. What may sound like a bluegrass lick when played in the open position can sound like a blues lick when played at the 7th position. Choosing where you want to play a melody is an important decision for how something is going to sound. A guitarist should be able to use the entire fretboard to create different sounds. - Steve Krenz

Steve plays a Melody-Maker in this lesson.

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Lesson Details

Skill Level: Intermediate

Genres: Blues|Jazz|Rock

Tab: View