Suzie Q

Suzie Q

Trent Swartzentruber  teaches you how to play “Susie Q” by Creedence Clearwater Revival. This song was originally written in 1957 by Dale Hawkins as a rockabilly tune,  peaking at #27 in the Billboard 100 charts.


CCR recorded the song in 1968, and it became one of their first big hits. Their version is arguably the most famous cover of this tune. The song peaked at #11 on the Top 40, as well as charting high in several other countries.   


The album version of this song is quite long. John Fogerty stated in a ’93 interview that the purpose for recording the song was to get on a funky progressive-rock radio station in San Francisco. This is why the song clocks in at over 8 minutes in length. This lesson will demonstrate the single version, which is only 4 and a half minutes. 

Trent plays a Gibson ES-339 in the lesson.

Trent Swartzentruber is a Nashville based guitar player hailing originally from Phoenix, AZ. He toured with Christian artist Jeff Deyo for five years, and then became the instructor for Guitar Apprentice, a visual game-like learning interface teaching hit songs. Trent is also an experienced bass player, learning that instrument as a young lad years before he ever picked up a guitar. Currently, Trent is working as a studio musician, serves at a local church, and is generally being awesome wherever he goes.


Lesson Details

Skill Level: Advanced

Genres: Rock

Tab: View

This Skills House Foundation Lesson was brought to you by the makers of Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar with Steve Krenz. Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar, the world's most in-depth home study course for guitar. Developed in partnership with Legacy Learning Systems, this 20-DVD course takes beginning players from the ultra-basics of guitar all the way through advanced skills training. It is truly years' worth of training in a single box, all presented in a simple step-by-step progression that anyone can follow on their path toward mastering the guitar. The Learn & Master Guitar course received the 2011 Acoustic Guitar Magazine Player’s Choice GOLD Award for outstanding guitar instructional materials. Steve is also the author of the Learn & Master Blues Guitar DVD course with Legacy Learning Systems. For more information, go here!


Eleanor Broadwater, Dale Hawkins, Stanley J Lewis        

Arc Music Corp c/o BMG Rights Management (BMI)

Due to copyright law, all materials are available for streaming purposes only.

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