Document Settings

We will guide you through the setting menu and show you some of the settings you might find useful!

Skill Level Presets

Skill Level Presets” allows the creator of the Canvas to adjust the difficulty of the settings. The “Beginner” setting will allow your students to use less GM functionality and stick to the basics, while the “Advanced” setting will include more high-level settings, such as:

  • Setting units for trigonometric functions

  • The type of multiplication symbol used; how and where a multiplication symbol can be seen

  • Whether GM shows the simplification on one click or requires multiple clicks to display each simplification step

  • How many decimal places should be allowed.

There are plenty of adjustments and settings you can specify in GM Canvas. The ones above are just to name a few.

GMA does include default “beginner” and “advanced” presets. However, you know your students best and we recommend you set presets based on your students and their familiarity with Canvas or GMA gestures.

Please make sure to review all the settings selected to ensure they match your desired implementation.

Be sure to save your settings before exiting the “Document Settings” Window.