Task types


At the heart of GMA are different task types, and each task type is designed to address different skill sets and areas of algebra.

When students work through each task, the app will provide them with immediate and detailed feedback. The GMA app will also record all students’ work and creates reports for teachers to monitor their students’ assessments and progress.

Currently the following task Types are available in GMA. We will be adding more task types in the coming months. As they become available, we will update this page.

To learn more about their targeted areas of algebra, sample activities, and instructions for how to play, build, and analyze, click on the links below.

overview of each task type

goal state

The Goal State task type explores mathematical equivalence. This task allows students to manipulate numbers and mathematical pieces as moving objects. Students can move numbers and terms around to match the goal expression or equation.

line it up

The Line it Up task explores graphs and their coefficients. Students will learn the structures and roles of formulas and coefficients through exploratory work by choosing or dragging graph equations to match a goal graph.


The Canvas task is similar to a whiteboard, where teachers can incorporate open-ended questions for students. Teachers and students can also create graphs, insert videos, images,...freely on Canvas.


The Multimedia task is an open-ended page for teachers to present media to students, whether it be text, video, or photos.


The Hot Spot task lets teachers incorporate a picture into the questions, and students can click on specific parts of the picture to answer the questions. The possibilities are endless with Hot Spot!

multiple choice

The Multiple Choice task is a traditional multiple-choice format. However, the freedom of this task allows teachers to have multiple right answers, create surveys, or incorporate different media into questions.