About Us

About us and our History

Founded by Asylan, Gloria grew in its time under Lady Asylan from a small and dedicated band of players to a formidable force in the game within the Glorias Family of alliances. Under Asylan, we joined forces with our former enemies to become bigger and stronger than we’ve ever been. As we progress as a family we will look up to our forefathers of the Half Bloodian Line and embark on a new chapter in our illustrious history!

We pride ourselves on having players who are active, involved, and skilled in battle and we achieve this by putting time and effort into getting to know one another, staying connected and communicating, and taking the time to do a lot of hands-on training with new players and alliance members. We place high importance on the values of teamwork, strategy, and most of all, FUN!

We are not the millionaire ruby players of the game who dominate every ranking and contest. What we are is a group of players who are goal-oriented and fun-loving who strive to work together for an enjoyable mobile gaming experience where we can all do the best we possibly can as individual players and an alliance as a whole.

Alla Hella Gloria!