Thron King, Blade Coast, Underworld


All 3 of the clone events can be 'completed in 1 day easily, although you will need lots of res/full day/rubies...

I will layout below the quickest ways to complete the event(s), choose each of the options depending on which of the above you have most readily available.


The easiest way... as always, is rubies, it is relatively cheap compared to some other events in terms of rubies.

You can spend out straight away when entering the event if you choose to, by buying the premium ruby camp, personally I have never gone for this option thus far. The Higher level res version is easily enough for completing the event in one day, so, assuming you have chosen the higher res option, I would advise you start by rearranging your camp once you are in the event, so that all of the tents are along the closest edge to you (the left hand side lower edge). This will help you make use of your camp's space that is given to you from the beginning. Then arrange all of the field kitchens and drill grounds into the top right corner, with the long edge of the decoration parallel to the right bottom wall of your camp. Add one field kitchen/drill ground and your camp should look something like this:

You now have a sufficient amount of space to get you the whole way to the castle and the completion of the event. You're now, if you choose, only about 30 mins away from finishing the event.

The first thing to do in terms of troops is to transfer 190 ranged troops and 100 melee troops over, filling yourself up, don't forget to transfer any iron mantlets, mantlets, ladders, rams, etc. over that you will need, you will need a total of about 280 iron mantlets, ladders, and about 80 rams/65 iron rams to finish the event.

Once you have transferred all of this over, you are ready to start hitting the towers, I suggest that you hit all of the top towers when there is a choice, follow this rule all the way to the end and you won't overspend with res/rubies on bridges, etc. With the first few towers there isn't much defence, and so as long as you don't do something absurd when sending a hit, you shouldn't be able to lose, once you get to the more tricky towers (20/30+ troops on one part of the wall) You need to start sending just ranged troops, and negating the ranged power of the defence, followed by negating as much of the wall and gate as you can.

If you are going for a speedy ruby fuelled completion of the event as a whole, you can skip travel times to the towers and instantly defeat them, this will allow you to get right up to the fortress/boss within half an hour or so. In the Underworld event the rough cost of building bridges after taking away the amount of res you should be looting from the towers is about 4000 rubies, the skipping time to towers totals at about 4300 rubies. The tactics above will allow you to get the event completed within an hour, then you can move onto the long-term token collecting.