Storm Fort Setups


The Storm Forts are a good source of both Aqua AND plunder - much like the RBs in the other realms - and you get equipment/gems from them as well. Many players forget about going for them - but you can bank some serious plunder from them - so why not?

Once attacked, there is a cool-down period of 4hrs before you can attack the same Storm Fort again - but there are plenty to take from. Once a Fort has been attacked 10 times, it disappears for a while, and then pops up again ready for another 10 attacks.

Set Ups

Level 10 Storm Fort:

Wave 1: All flanks - 100% Ranged - No tools required

Wave 2-4: All flanks - Any available soldiers - will not give more plunder, so not required.

Level 20 + 30 Storm Fort:

Wave 1: All flanks - 1 soldier (tool clearing)

Wave 2: All flanks - 100% Ranged - No tools required

Wave 3+4: All flanks - Any available soldiers - will not give more plunder, so not required.

Level 40 Storm Fort:

Wave 1+2: All flanks - 1 Soldier (tool clearing)

Wave 3: All flanks - 100% Ranged - 20 mantlets

Wave 4: All flanks - Any available Soldiers to help with courtyard battle and loot - No tools

Level 50 Storm Fort:

Wave 1-3: All flanks - 1 Soldier (tool clearing)

Wave 4: All flanks - 100% Ranged - 20 Mantlets + 10 Ladders

Level 60 + Level 70 Storm Forts:

Wave 1: Left flank - 100% Ranged - 22 iron mantlets/peasants + 10 Ladders

Right Flank - 100% Ranged - 24 Wooden Mantlets 5 ladders

Wave 2-4: Left + Right flank - Any available soldiers to help with courtyard battle and loot - No tools

Recommend going with 3 full waves of Soldiers to reduce losses - though less might do.

Level 80 Storm Fort:

Wave 1:Left + Right flank - 100% Ranged - 35 Mantlets + 5 Ladders (Recommend Belfries if you have them - or Siege towers)

Wave 2-4: Left + Right flank - Any available soldiers to help with courtyard battle and loot - No tools

I recommend going with 4 full waves of Soldiers to reduce losses - though less will do. I also recommend throwing in some Melee soldiers to help with courtyard battle - but you can go in all Ranged.

The level 80 Forts can give you up to 6K aqua per hit - which is not too bad at all - when you consider that you get food, resources AND equipment as well.