Soldiers Might Points


Soldier Type Might Points, is given by the quality and quantity of your troops.

Recruit - ables do give Power Points but in quantities that aren't easy to observe, so haven't added them to the list

For your convenience please just "Control F" or "Command F" to find the exact troop you want.

If you are having any problems please submit a inquire to our bug/support team

MP for all troops

Sentinel of the Kingsguard - 3 MP

Scout of the Kingsguard - 3 MP

Knights of the Kingsguard - 5 MP

Crossbowman of the Kingsguard - 5 MP

Renegade Norseman Warrior/Bowman - 4 MP

Renegade Saber Warrior - 5 MP

Renegade Desert Bowmen - 5 MP

Renegade Cultist warrior/bowmen - 5 MP -

Demon/Deathly Horror - 8 MP

Marauders - 4 MP

Pyromaniac - 4 MP

Wolfhounds - 4 MP

Barbarians - MP

Veteran Marauder/Pyromanic - 6 MP

Knight/Crossbowman of the Elite Guard - 6 MP

Bear/Lion Bowman/Warrior - 5 MP

Swashbuckler - 6 MP

Sail Ripper - 6 MP

Slingshot - 5 MP

Khan Guard - 7 MP

Saber Cleaver - 5 MP

Lancer - 5 MP

Spear Thrower - 5 MP

Travelling Knight - 5 MP

Travelling Crossbowman - 5 MP

Demon Slayer - 7 MP

Assassin - 7 MP

Renegade Shark Tooth Warrior - 5 MP

Renegade Stone Smasher - 5 MP

Renegade Cave Hunter - 6 MP

Renegade Cave Smasher - 6 MP

Flame Bearer - 6 MP

Composite Bowman - 6 MP

Veteran Deathly Horrors - 8 MP

Veteran Demon Horrors - 8 MP

~ Recruit-able troops of each (most of em) type should give less than or nearly equal to 1 MP~