All about the Food


To hold a-lot troops, you will need high food production. There are a few ways to increase food production.

-One way, which costs no rubies, is to build a castle with nothing but essential buildings, parks/gardens and farmhouses. (no dwellings, as those reduce food production)

The Essential Castle Build

The Ruby Way

-The second way to increase food production, or be able to hold more troops is by buying a food overseer, now this doesn’t have to cost money. If you are looting enough, you should be able to afford it on just the rubies you’ve earned. The food overseer costs 625 rubies originally, but after 3 consecutive weeks of use they lower the price to 563 rubies. The overseer can be found in the king’s market under heroes

The Way of the Looter

-The third way to be able to hold more troops is by looting. This is because you get food loot whenever you attack robber barons or towers. If you are attacking them often enough, you should have no trouble keeping up with a food loss of around -1000/hour! or more depending on how active you are. Here is an example of how much food can be brought back when attacking a tower or inactive player. Just make sure you focus on looting food and you can carry even more food.