Defensive Set Up

Defensively, it is vital that you win one flank to have a chance at winning a defense.

*When attacking, always make sure you put troops on all 3 flanks to ensure you have a chance of getting the 30% attack bonus in the keep

The 100 - 0 - 0 should look like this.

You put 98% of total wall troops on either the right or left flank, and then 1% on the other two flanks to waste the tools of anyone who attacks you. Some players won’t attack simply because they don’t want to waste tools on the other flanks. Keep in mind, this may also infuriate some players and provoke more attacks so if you like to play a bit safer, just put all 100% on the flank.

Your melee to range ratio should be anywhere from 70% melee / 30% range to 80% melee / 20% range. This is simply because the game provides tools that can reduce the defense power of range soldiers but there is no tool that is easily obtainable to reduce the defense power of melee defenders. The tool split up for this should be on slot with range boosting tools and the rest being filled with wall defense tools. You should also have moat tools up at all times as well.

This defense is meant to be carried by your alliance members supporting you with troops because attackers can completely bypass that one flank by filling the 2 undefended flanks with troops and fight it out in the keep, which, as stated, results in high losses. With high numbers of troops in the form of support, you can win this defense in the keep very often assuming your opponent doesn’t have a super high courtyard bonus.

If you’re online when an inbound attack is coming, disregard this defense method and set up to fight the inbound attack.

Generally, when setting up for an inbound, either choose to defend the wall or boost your range bonus based on the tools sent by the attacker. Try to fight as much on the wall while still winning the flanks as possible.