Heros Might Points


Hero type MP is similar to equipment type MP, the quality matters here :

1 Ordinary - 25 MP

2 Rare - 65 MP

3 Epic - 125 MP

4 Legendary - 250 MP

5 Unique - Varies from one hero to another, list below

Note: Not all rare heroes give the same MP, exceptions being from heroes of rare/epic type, obtained from events such as Nobility, Samurai, etc., such as Magnificience (of quality - rare obtained from Nobility for the lower levels) gives 1,000 points and Blood Red Cherry Blossom(of the same quality - obtained in exchange of Samurai tokens) also gives 1,000 MP.


The Undead - 250 MP [Equipment of nightmares]

The Invader - 2,500 MP [Armor of the foreign lord]

Strategist - 250 MP [Armor of the true hero]

Sterling - 2,500 MP [Armor of the Viper]

Hunter of the savanna - 2,500 MP [Treasures of the savanna]

Ranger - 2,500 MP [Legacy of the forest warriors]

Governor - 1,000 MP [Nobility Contest]


The Wolfman - 250 MP

Icy flower - 1,500 MP

Magnificient: 1,000 MP [Nobility Contest]